click on the play arrow to the left.

Every evening there will be another speaker.
Here is a list and times.
Call In Number and Podcast Info
David Wolfe
Date: Aug 7
Time: 8:00 EASTERN
Call In #: 1 (641) 715-3800
Call In Pin: 269350
Podcast Page: http://www.rawsummit.com/podcast/david.html
Gabriel Cousens
Date: Aug 8
Time: 8:00 EASTERN
Call In #: 1 (641) 715-3800
Call In Pin: 639398
Podcast Page: http://www.rawsummit.com/podcast/gabriel.html
Date: Aug 9
Time: 8:00 EASTERN
Call In #: 1 (641) 715-3800
Call In Pin: 963616
Podcast Page: http://www.rawsummit.com/podcast/dorit.html
Mike Adams
Date: Aug 10
Time: 8:00 EASTERN
Call In #: 1 (641) 715-3800
Call In Pin: 767643
Podcast Page: http://www.rawsummit.com/podcast/mike.html
Victoria Boutenko
Time: 8:00 EASTERN
Call In #: 1 (641) 715-3800
Call In Pin: 562908
Podcast Page: http://www.rawsummit.com/podcast/victoria.html
Brendan Brazier
Date: Aug 13
Time: 8:00 EASTERN
Call In #: 1 (641) 715-3800
Call In Pin: 867601
Podcast Page: http://www.rawsummit.com/podcast/brendan.html
Brenda Cobb
Date: Aug 14
Time: 8:00 EASTERN
Call In #: 1 (641) 715-3800
Call In Pin: 478109
Podcast Page: http://www.rawsummit.com/podcast/brenda.html
Matt Monarch
Date: Aug 15
Time: 8:00 EASTERN
Call In #: 1 (641) 715-3800
Call In Pin: 269350
Podcast Page: http://www.rawsummit.com/podcast/matt.html
Angela Stokes
Date: Aug 16
Time: 8:00 EASTERN
Call In #: 1 (641) 715-3800
Call In Pin: 639398
Podcast Page: http://www.rawsummit.com/podcast/angela.html
Happy Oasis
Date: Aug 17
Time: 8:00 EASTERN
Call In #: 1 (641) 715-3800
Call In Pin: 963616
Podcast Page: http://www.rawsummit.com/podcast/happy.html
Date: Aug 18
Time: 8:00 EASTERN
Call In #: 1 (641) 715-3800
Call In Pin: 767643
Podcast Page: http://www.rawsummit.com/podcast/rhio.html
Richard Blackman
Date: Aug 20
Time: 8:00 EASTERN
Call In #: 1 (641) 715-3800
Call In Pin: 562908
Podcast Page: http://www.rawsummit.com/podcast/richard.html
Date: Aug 21
Time: 8:00 EASTERN
Call In #: 1 (641) 715-3800
Call In Pin: 867601
Podcast Page: http://www.rawsummit.com/podcast/shazzie.html
Special Wrap Up with Kevin and Steve Prussack
Date: Aug 22
Time: 8:00 EASTERN
Call In #: 1 (641) 715-3800
Call In Pin: 478109
Podcast Page: http://www.rawsummit.com/podcast/kevin.html

He said that it is possible to feel great, everyday all the time!
I do believe this. I have moments but I am almost there.. David has been raw 13 years.
Until you experience something, you just don't know.
I believe there is a level that I have not even achieved yet.. maybe even a level beyond what I can imagine..
I believe this is so from having my life changed so radically this far..
How far can you go??? David say very. I'm on that. ..why not?

He says our periodic table is inaccurate. Scientists have taken substances (rocks, living plant matter etc) and killed them, cut, burned, poisioned etc before analyzing them.
When things are left in their living state and then amalyzed they are completely different.
Ormus is like the life force energy of plants. ..that all the new living stuff still found in this matter is all being lumped under the label ormus.
But if we can get enough Ormus into pour body, we can increase our energy level, increase our vibrational rate. (& I am all about this!! - this is the part I like most)
Then things really start happening - we begin to manifest hyper synchronicities. (Like these pics sent to me in an e-mail yesterday from my friend who knew nothing about the raw summit.. the e-mail title was 'HAPPY trails! Have a Summit Day' - How cool is that! & thank you!! : )
& we have more awareness, are more intuitive, in fact we gain psychic powers. You can attain the level of genius, paranormal phenomenon happens.. this is the the really exciting stuff!
..think about it people with psychic powers are not in control of them.. you can't force stuff like that, it just happens.. same as genius.. anyone who's a genius, say for example Einstein, will tell you that their ideas just came to them. Its not logic or ego or mind based. Einstein didn't really know how some of his stuff came to him.. in fact scientists are just proving some of his ideas now.
& he says natural spring water, straight from the ground, is one of the best sources of ormus. ..and that many of the things growing in our own backyards are the highest levels.. some of the very best foods we can eat. David bought land up north and hour or two from the city(Toronto). I heard his birthday party was great but more low key this year. He mentioned his place in the summit.. about his spring water which I hear is one of the main reasons he bought this property, one of the cleanest freshest, highest alkaline water is found up north. & all of the mushrooms, etc.
I was sorry I missed it, but I wouldn't have changed my vacation with my family.. sometimes we just have to choose.. and theres always a next time.. nothing ever ends and I think we get to do everything, if we want to. Yes!!
Have a high summit day!!! & Enjoy it immensely.

What a great post--informative and inspirational. I plan to check out the Raw Summit.
Thanks a lot,
Thanks Marjorie,
great to hear from you again!!
Much love!
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