After struggling through the mountains of Mongolia on my sturdy stolen Buddhist bicycle, I arrived in Kashmir and became a devotee of the Moghul Katmandu, He Who Is Happy About Nothing In Particular. I meditated upon the Sameness of Equality and the Equanimity of Unanimity until Truth became Inquiry and matter and consciousness deconstructed and I was able to finally get a job on his hashish ranch. "Themogh" gave me a very trusted and well-paid position as a drug mule, during which I swallowed a dozen walnuts and was given a ticket on the Trans Siberian Express to make a journey to Berlin, where apparently i will be met by a trusted confidante of He W.I.H.A.N.I.P. I am not really feeling like going to the bathroom anyway, so I have my ticket and I will try to keep in touch thru Sowiet Union computer terminals stationed along the way. Hope all is well with you and yr Mum!
(& afternote: OMG I can't even send the next one.. even further out there! lol. I am blessed to have friends with huge imaginations! luvulots!)
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