Not to mention the books (Hooponopono, etc) and other things I have been immersing myself both through books & online, etc ...and listening to my SuccessUltraNow cd everynight in bed lately.
So, yeah, I have noticed this slightly off feeling - I mean yesterdays post.. a bear with paws over his eyes and Moms website - whats the connection?? Sorry Mom, I was just off. (But Ill post again when its completely up) & Ive felt more cold than usual - almost cold symptoms - but today I woke up feeling great - and just in time for another dose of deprogramming.

Is it possible that an amazing being of unlimited intelligence, compassion, inner peace and will power exists inside every single one of us? And that the great call of the times is to express those qualities, fully, in their purest, most potent and undiluted state? Is it possible that the modern world we see around us today is a consequence of NOT allowing ourselves to be who we truly are, and that the whole destiny of humanity is being defined right now by every single one of us and is wholly dependant upon the degree of genuine Selfhood we allow ourselves to express?
Salvation of the world depends on me.
A Course In Miracles
A Course In Miracles
THE SUPERHERO IS DRIVEN by one single, all unifying energy, the propulsion of who they really are. The superhero feels their position in the eternal garden, as their soul is planted, seed-like, in God’s eternal soil of inspiration. Rooted in a true sense of self, grounded in the fertile earth of compassionate, breath-filled love and wonder, the superhero stretches out shoots and leaves from its trunk and branches and honorably, courageously, in an enlightened, empowered way guided by Grace, links roots with other soul-centered beings and offers flowers and fruits of thoughts, words, and actions to the cosmos.
My only function is the One God gave me.
A Course In Miracles
A Course In Miracles

The best thing you could do for anyone that you love, is be happy! And the very worst thing that you could do for anyone that you love, is be unhappy, and then ask them to to try to change it, when there is nothing that anybody else can do that will make you happy. If it is your dominant intent to hold yourself in vibrational harmony with who you really are, you could never offer any action that would cause anybody else to be unhappy.
Excerpted from a workshop in Chicago, IL on Sunday, April 25th, 1999

I love that Abraham-Hicks quote. I will carry it in my head today.
I have been sharing ho'o ponopono with anybody who will listen! We practice it constantly. It is so freakin powerful, it is scary. It fits so well with Abraham's teachings. Thanks for sharing Hew Lin with all of us. :0)
Big WARM Hugs!
I agree.. I love both the Abraham Hicks teachings and Hooponopono.. It really is powerful stuff!!!
Hugs Connie.. Thanks!
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