It still makes me happy when I hear it. : )
Crimson And Clover
(T. James/P. Lucia)
Ah, now I don't hardly know her
But I think I could love her
Crimson and clover
Ah when she comes walking over
Now I've been waitin' to show her
Crimson and clover over and over
Yeah, my, my such a sweet thing
I wanna do everything
What a beautiful feeling
Crimson and clover over and over
Crimson and clover over and over
1 head red leaf lettuce - chopped in bowl with
10 strawberries - sliced
handful pecans
1/4 c agave
1/4 c olive oil
1/8 c apple cider vinegar
2 T tamari or shoyu
2 T red onion - chopped finely
1 T sesame seeds
1/2 T poppy seeds
dash paprika
salt to taste
The dressing is my raw version of Willa's amazing recipe, which was made with sugar & worcestershire. It translates to raw quite well. Thanks Willa! .. It' s delicious.
My Bizzarro moment of the day - listening to Jim talking about the Gardiner being closed because of the Becel Ride for Heart event.. I burst out laughing.. sorry, but just the thought of a ride to support heart disease being supported by Becel seems hilarious to me.. whats wrong with this picture? .. and then I look out the window, driving through Little India and see the Mona Lisa restaurant - specializing in Pakistani, Indian and Chinese food (what.. no Italian?) and listening to Paul Anka crooning his version of Nirvana's Smells Like Teen Spirit on the radio. Whoaaaaa...!!! weird & wonderful moment.. life can be so surreal sometimes! Enjoy every wacky moment!!! : )
pic from http://www.flickr.ch/2006/09/
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