They are hosting the 22nd annual Vegetarian Food Fair in Toronto this weekend, Sept 8, 9 & 10.
& this is the main reason why I have today off. ..because I will be working at the show all weekend. It’s the kids 1st day of school today, so this is perfect. I just started cookies.. will make them breakfast & juice etc & will go wake them up soon. ..but it’s nice to have a few minutes of quiet first.
For more on the upcoming Food Fair: http://www.veg.ca/foodfair/index.html
100’s of exhibitors (incl Toronto Sprouts!) lots of taste testing- diverse food selection & food demos- incl Raw Food made Easy! : )
& lots of guest speakers:
• Peaceable Kingdom Within: A Farmer's Journey in Compassion presented by Harold Brown,
• What's eating you? presented by Beverley Edwards-Miller,
• Debunking the "Science" of Nutrition presented by Dr. T. Colin Campbell,
• Improve Athletic Performance on a Vegetarian Diet presented by Brendan Brazier,
• Global Warming: The Inconvenient Truth About What We Eat presented by Stephen Leckie,
• Calcium without the Cow presented by Aviva Allen, R.N.C.P.
• Transitioning to a Plant-based, Living Foods Lifestyle presented by Dorit.
Transitioning to a Plant-based, Living Foods Lifestyle presented by Dorit
This workshop is for everyone - the steadfast meat eater, the chronically ill, the healthy athlete or the work at home, single parent - because everyone can benefit from adding more plant based, living foods to their diet. This workshop will motivate and inspire you to incorporate more raw, vegan choices in your meals.September 9 at 4 p.m.
Dorit is a living foods chef and an educator for the Chopra Center; she also coaches Lifeskills Groups, runs a fitness in the park program, and was a workshop leader for a medically supervised cleansing and detoxification retreat at the Fox Hollow Clinic and Spa in Kentucky. She was the founder of the Movement Therapy Department at the Canyon Ranch in the Berkshires, and now teaches workshops at Whole Foods, Erewhon Natural Foods and Wild Oats in Los Angeles.
Dorit will also be coming Sunday, 1st October for a Raw Food preparation class - Film and Raw Celebration at Toronto Sprouts. ..more info on this to come!
For more info on her check out her website: http://www.serenityspaces.org/
Pedestrian Sunday - August 27, 2006 (I know it’s late, but there’s 2 more to go)
Kensington Market goes car-free from 1 pm to 7 pm with acoustic music, marching bands, free yoga, dancing & more. Toronto Vegetarian Association will have a table set up on Augusta Ave., and three of the Market's vegetarian eateries will be serving food on the street. King's Cafe will have a variety of delicious dumplings and kabobs, Urban Herbivore will be barbecuing veggie burgers, and Mad Crepes in front of Hibiscus will be cooking up vegan hemp crepes. This event will repeat on the last Sunday of every month until October. Full details at http://www.pskensington.ca/.
Thursday Sept 22 is World Car-free day.

k, I’m on kitchen duty now.. g2wake kids up for school, ..later
ps Mom, more info on the green star.. no time to e-mail, call you later! love u : )
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