"Once you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

In a newsletter from Mabel Katz, she mentioned doing it by saying I love you over & over to the tune of Jingle Bells - it works. It's funny but it is catchy
she says:
"SO, when you find yourself stuck in traffic or late for an appointment, or with too many gifts to wrap, standing
at the end of a long line, etc., etc., and you feel inclined to engage...instead, start singing the words "I Love You"
to the melody of Jingle Bells.
at the end of a long line, etc., etc., and you feel inclined to engage...instead, start singing the words "I Love You"
to the melody of Jingle Bells.
It's a perfect fit--just squeeze "I love you" in as you go along to the end of the melody, ANY melody, and that
ONE moment might feel so good that you'll choose to do it for ONE more moment and on and on and You're
CLEANING, which is our ONLY job...Divinity does the rest!"
ONE moment might feel so good that you'll choose to do it for ONE more moment and on and on and You're
CLEANING, which is our ONLY job...Divinity does the rest!"

Focus on the 'Happy' in Happy Holidays.

When we are Happy, we are appreciative
When we are Happy, we forgive
When we are Happy, we love
When we are Happy, we are not harboring resentment or ill toward
anyone...because we're Happy and it only takes ONE moment."

The glass is either half full or half empty
We are either CLEANING or engaging
We are happy or we're not
We are at peace or we're not...in each moment...OUR CHOICE" ~Mabel Katz.

Check out Mabels website here. & you can get her free online newsletter also.
Thank-You. I Love You. Have a Happy Christmas.
We are together in Spirit ... always.
many lovely thoughts
Love you,
Happy Holidays! xo
I just signed up for her newsletter and ordered her book. I am walking around singing all day now! LOL!
Happy Day!
Excellent!! I am glad you have discovered then power of ho'oponopono too - it's such an amazing technique!
I do it all the time. Love & Happiness, Keiko
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