It works for me. Also.. I have been experimenting with making crackers with the left over pulp. Especially when you are using all these gorgeous organic vegetables.. its nice to use the whole thing. My last batch was the best. These are mild.. almost remind me of a 'Triscut' (s/p?) type cracker.. see? I'm forgetting already! : )
Vegetable crackers
2 c vegetable pulp
1/2 c sunflower seeds - soaked together with:
1/2 c pumpkin seeds
1 1/2 c flax seeds ground
1T tamari
1 T agave
1 1/2 c water (approx)
Drain seeds and process until chunky in food processor. Add flax, pulp, tamari and agave and process together.. mine was fairly fine, adding enough water to process smoothly and so it is thin enough to spread onto teflex easily.
My vegetable pulp had lots of carrot & some beet, kale, celery, romaine
Dehydrate overnight, remove teflex, flip onto mesh and contine dehydrating 6 hrs approx.. give or take a few hours.. dehydrating is so easy!
juice pic from http://www.soymilkquick.com
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