Buckwheat Granola
2c buckwheat groats, soak a few hours to overnight, will = approx 3-4c after soaking.
1c almonds
1 ½ c walnuts
¾ c sunflower seeds
¾ c pumpkin seeds
½ c raisins
½ c dried cranberries
1 apple
1 ½ c date paste
¾ c maple syrup
½ lemon – juiced
1 T vanilla
1 t Celtic salt
-Soak all nuts, seeds and groats.
-Date paste is made in the blender using dates and water, I make it quite thick.
-Combine apple, date paste, maple syrup, lemon juice, vanilla, salt and ½ the soaked sunflower &/or pumpkin seeds together in food processor & blend. Pulse chip in the buckwheat groats, not pureeing them, will be soupy/lumpy. Pour this mixture out into a bowl. Pulse-chop the rest of nuts and seeds and add. I did the almonds and walnuts separately until the desired size. Then I pulse chopped the seeds together lightly and added the raisins & cranberries and pulsed them in slightly. Its all personal preference.. but I think mine is perfect! : )
-Last night I spread it out on teflex sheets & dehydrated at 115 degrees overnight, 9 hours. I just flipped onto the mesh screen and will leave for the day. Expect it to be perfectly crunchy and read when I get home from work tonight.
I love this with sweet brazil nut milk. Almond milk is good also.. but I prefer brazil nut. And I don’t feel like straining the milk after its blended like I do with almond milk.
Brazil nut milk = blending 1 c brazil nuts with 3 cups water and sometimes add a few dates.
& fruit cut up on top! Mmm.. banana..
Ok, breakfast time, later.. Have a fantastic & flavourful day! : ) !!!
pic (which, incidently, doesn't look very much like my granola) is from http://www.thefoodsection.com/foodsection/images/granola-thumb.jpg
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