Imagine a world where everyone either spoke words which raised the frequency of the planet or were silent.

How to make the Raw Food Lifestyle work for you and how to maintain it!
If you would like to transition into the raw food lifestyle and be successful doing it, see what is working and what might be open to change, this class will work for you, or inspire you to stay on track.
We will explore a practical, healthy eating program, easy to implement, supporting your intuition and creativity as I take you and your family back to a joyful, natural way of eating. We will explore how children will fit into this.
Main Topics will be: “Leaving a Green Footprint”
Transition to Raw; Staying on Track
Benefits of Juicing
Easy and Transitional Recipes
Buying Organic and Local
Exploring Self-Sustainability
Children’s eating patterns
Menu:• A yummy Soup• Main Meal Course• Dehydrated Bread• A scrumptious Desert
You will receive a Course and Recipe Book.
When:Monday, February 12. 6:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.
Registration 6:00 pm
Investment: $55:00 +GST
Meghan Henesy and Dan Nicks will be assisting Erika
Location:Toronto Sprouts 720 Bathurst Street, Toronto, On M5S 2R4 Tel. 416-535-3111
Call Erika Wolff to register at 416-428-1039, or email
Please visit her website for future workshops and retreat dates.
All over the place, from the popular culture to the propaganda system, there is constant pressure to make people feel that they are helpless, that the only role they can have is to ratify decisions and to consume. ~ Noam Chomsky
Excerpt from an angel message found at
"How would I live now, if I knew everything I wanted or better would definitely come in the right way and time?" Then live that way, dear ones. Celebrate every moment of your lives. ~The Angels

love is concerned that
the beating of your heart,
the beating of your heart,
should harm no one.
alice walker
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