I got more shopping in last night, I am learning the fine art of power shopping. I was told yesterday I seem more like the solstice type, by someone who seemed surprised that I celebrate Christmas. But I celebrate lots of things. & yeah, I can be as commercial as the next person at moments, but a conscientious commercial. & I like to blend worlds.
I made a very festive juice this morning. I got up at 5 so that I could get lots of things done around here before I went to work today. One being making the kids juice, which I felt bad that I skipped yesterday. It’s a good morning routine, they really like it. I made myself a special festive juice this morning with cranberries, grapes and an orange.
My raw friend Robin from work brought in an amazing tea that she had made. It was so good! She steeped rooibos, grated ginger and cinnamon overnight in water. In the morning she strained it and added some agave. Really great combination, was so good!
I have a recipe for Chai Nog from another friend at work, which is adapted from Elaina Love’s recipe.
3 c sweet nut milk – Blend 1 c almonds, a few dates and water, then strain
3 bananas
ginger juice and chai spices to taste: cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, s & p
dates or agave &/or stevia to taste
more of Elaina Love’s recipes here: http://www.purejoylivingfoods.com/recipes/index.shtml
Have a festive and colourful day. Make it special!
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