Sunday, February 14, 2010

Amazing Valentine's day with One Eskimo and Little Feather

U are Amazing!!! Me too. 
Happy Valentines Day!
One Eskimo - Amazing

One Eskimo - Kandi


Corby's Orbit said...

Happy Heart to you in big chocolate.
P.S. people are spamming your comments boxes. D'oh!

Robin 'Keiko' Gregory said...

: ) Happy hearts back to U!!
Happy Valentines!

p I know! but get this - I put comment moderation on to control it, but for some reason the real comments just come through and the spam gets filtered out. I dont think Ive seen a real comment get filtered..but once in a while a spam gets onboard.
..but, yikes, you should see my moderation box! They really like me!! lol