Saturday, October 20, 2007

Raw recipe basics

When you go raw or are raw its really helpful to have a few recipes down.. the basics.
Even in an average cooked food diet there are maybe 10 favorite recipes than get made and eaten way more than most others.. so, likewise with raw its good to have a handful of recipes, really basic ones that you love to alternate between.. and then every once in awhile, like once every week or two, learn a new one ..well, thats just bonus and great to change things up a bit.

so for dinner.. this can be the most challenging for most people.

Well, 1st of all Salads become a big thing.. I never used to like salads before I went raw and all of a sudden I loved them.. I think it just happens to most of us.. when you feel how amazing it is to feel how you do when you go raw.. you just enjoy and appreciate the foods that make you feel this way. & a whole new appreciation of salads develops.

But, in addition to these, get a favorite recipe for pasta (zucchini pasta, of course) - a great tomato sauce, a burger recipe for dehydrated veggie/seed/nut burgers - a great pate recipe - mock tuna - I lived on this for a little while way back when.. a cracker and a bread recipe is really useful as are a couple good spreads - a seed cheese one, a pesto sauce (can be used on zucchini pasta or as a spread or in a wrap)

are great! I have lived on these also. There are specialty wraps like the Pure Food & Wines Thai Vegetable Wrap (its so good) as well as the most basic wrap, which I am currently living on. - Take a 50-50 ratio of sun-dried tomatoes (soaked) and Brazil nuts and process together to make a burger/pate consistency - it will form almost into a ball when processed together. This is a great base for a wrap.. a spoonful of this on a lettuce leaf and then I put an pesto sauce, then sprouts or baby greens or both, sliced tomatoes and a pine nut sauce on top, Wrap & voila.. its really amazing - and really easy if you have the sauces all made ahead and sitting in the fridge.

My pesto changes - I just make them up.. right now its an

Arugula Walnut Pesto

1 bunch arugula
1/2 bunch spinach
1 bunch basil
1/2 c (approx) walnuts
1-2 garlic cloves
1/4 c olive oil
1/2 lemon juiced
salt, cayenne

Thats close - this is just off the top of my head - its really easy, hard to go wrong. Just process it all together. I keep it in a bottle in the fridge.

The pine nut sauce is even easier - 1/2 c pine nuts, a garlic clove, 1-2T lemon juice, 1-2 T olive oil, salt and water to desired consistency.. creamy so it just pours but not too thin.

I will post more recipes soon.. was thinking of an almond cheese that I love! ..& my favorite neatball recipe.. nut & seed balls with a sweet & sour tomato sauce. Mmm...

Raw can be the best.. I am having a breakfast of bosc pears and chocolate - this is like the most simple and yet the most delicious thing on the planet! How could anyone not love this lifestyle??
I think its just all this outside world that has everyone confused.. if everyone looked within and could follow their highest truth.. there just really is no getting any better than nature.. and that would be so obvious to everyone.
.. and I think that one day that will happen..

adioso amigos... = )

ps check out this page! (& she has a link to my site on it - Yay! : )

pic from the WholeFoods website - cute, huh?

p.s. my favorite mock tuna and lots of other recipes available in the Rawketscience website.


  1. This is a great post. Everyone needs to review the basics from time to time. I would not worry about giving your recipes away. When you compile them, your "fans" will still want to purchase them instead of having to search for them. Besides, I have a feeling any book you write will be more than recipes. :o)

    Love`er~ly Day,

  2. Thanks Connie,
    I so appreciate you!
    & am Celebrating you!! Hugs, xo!
