Monday, October 29, 2007

My diet and our house Ginger Lemon Date Dressing

I get asked all the time what I eat.. what my daily diet is.

It is different now from when I started.. and I think it will continue to change ..but right now it goes something like this. (I rarely, rarely ever eat carrot sticks!)

On an average day:

water when I wake up.
7:30 am - green smoothie
or if I am rushing a couple super-food squares and a banana as I rush out the door.
10:00am- another green smoothie- I make them at work (with lots of sprouts- sunflower& pea greens)
1:00 - 1/2 raw Earth-bread sandwich with sprout salad on the side

I snack a lot at work.. I work in a kitchen! Love things like papaya & peppermint tea, coconut water & chocolate truffles, nut/seed bars I bring in sometimes- I eat raw cacao beans, goji berries.. scott's coconut cakes - vanilla! chocosol's sawako snow chocolate, luke and I sometimes mix up a bowl of almond butter, maca, honey, cacao, cinnamon etc- he calls it 'happy paste' - sometimes we eat it straight,sometimes we cut up an apple to eat it with. Oh & we have this routine sometimes early in the morning .. he chops us up each a clove of garlic and he has it set out on spoons with another spoon each with honey and big glasses of water - garlic 1st, then water, then honey. I kind of wonder about garlic breath... but no one has complained yet..or anyone backing off. lol Oh and bananas, they are so easy, I am so blessed to have the most amazing raw hot chocolate, Fred brings it in - its incredible!!! ..& fresh fruit in season & I love sunflower sprouts- they are my fav & a staple in my diet - I eat a lot of sprouts.

Sometimes I end up eating lunch late & then I don't eat a lot when I get home ..but often after I get dinner for rest of my family I will have a salad or wraps (really into these these days) or whatever I have in the fridge. I go through phases..will make pizza crust and will live off that with a sun-dried tomato-olive spread, nut cheese topping or something like that for weeks.
I often make a recipe about once a week.. like the neat balls, or zucchini pasta w/tomato sauce, or wrap fillings..
but really I could live on green smoothies . Well, that and chocolate!

I am going to post a recipe for our house dressing at work- everyone loves it.I get asked so often for the recipe and if we would bottle and sell it. I am working on that also.
This is Mi-Sans recipe, she adapted it from Juliano's dressing ..but I looked it up & it is so different from his now.
This is a guess.. Mi-San showed me how to make it. She doesn't measure things, just pours things in.. I taste it to tell and pour a bit of whatever in after to adjust taste ... but I have made it so much it goes mainly like this:

Ginger Lemon Date Dressing

1 c honey dates (or 8 medjool) soaked in water to cover (overnight or at least a few hours)
1 1/2" ginger - chopped
1 garlic clove - chopped
1 lemon - juiced

Blend in blender- high speed until creamy
add while still blending:

2T nama shoyu, tamari or soy sauce
3/4 c (approx) olive oil
3/4 c (approx) water
dash cumin

C'est ca! Enjoy!

pic is Grahams cacao flower& I promise I will get out my paints again one day & paint this for you!! Just waiting for the Universe to send me the perfect day to do it. : ) ..but it is on my list.


Anonymous said...

Love your Blog

Robin 'Keiko' Gregory said...

Thank you!! : )