Thursday, June 10, 2010

Our day of Adventure - my Vibram Five Fingers & Cruda Cafe!!!

Mom's still here & we had lots of fun today!! I have today and tomorrow off work to enjoy her company! : ) However, I dont have my camera!!! I will have to rectify that soon  (get it back from my daughter) Hopefully it still works, the last one we lent out (my bf's) came back broken, yikes. 

So, I cant show you the cutest pair of Vibram 5 Finger shoes I bought today at Mountain Equipment Co-op - Pink & Orange!!! I wouldnt have picked that color, but it was the only pair they have in my size, and no more until next summer and once I put them on I was in love with them!!  We've been having a real shoe & sock trip.. we picked up some Solmate Socks too in Kensington Market, the cutest knitted cotton mismatched socks ever!, which I had looked at online & was amazed to find (had been thinking of ordering).

& What I should have had my camera most for was lunch at Cruda Cafe!!! The food was so beautiful.. and possibly the best raw food in Toronto. ok, I was really, really hungry.. but that food was amazing!! & definitely had to be filled with the most love - I could feel it!!  It was all so beautiful.. Moms salad was one she said she was going to remember for a long, long time!! The St Lawrence Market Salad - with fresh figs and beautiful flower on top. We bought so much food - almost one of everything! & we brought dinner home too! & ate it watching The Shift - Wayne Dyer's movie.. which my friend at lunch told us we could watch online for $5. & so, we did!!!  ..while eating Cruda Food - Cruda is raw in Spanish, Love that!!

We went to the sculpture garden, Allan Gardens.. Queen W.. hmm, I'm getting tired, and up tomorrow morning for another adventure!! Sweet Dreams! xo


  1. Arthur Kane10:05 AM


    Interesting adventure! VFF products are gaining its popularity and it's definitely an eye catcher especially when you see someone wearing it on the streets. My cousin has the KSO as a birthday present from her mom and I'm so envious about it. I've read a review from a particular site on VFF, but I still need some practical advice from people like you who already owned one. I love travelling a lot and I really want to buy the perfect Vibram for my upcoming trip.

    Here's the site where I read the review:

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

  2. Hi Arthur,
    I actually bought 3 pairs of shoes that day out shopping.. and the only ones i have worn are the vibram 5 fingers.. I wear them as much as possible, my wardrobe revolves arounf them! the only thing better than wearing them is not wearing them (barefot! )
    I hope you get them soon and i hope you love them as much as I do! Peace & love, : ) R

  3. Anonymous1:18 PM

    I truly appreciate what you're doing here!
