Sunday, June 06, 2010

Barefoot Week - June 1-7

June 1 - 7 is National Barefoot Week!!  (I am just finding out about this..but my calender is marked !!..for following years)
My Mom is here visiting me & when I told her she said "no wonder I have been feeling like being barefoot lately!"
We have a tight agenda, I'm taking a couple days off so we can spend a couple days together and I got it together this time to check out whats going on & make a few plans. Earlier tonight we went to the distillery district and wandered around and saw lots there.. and then on the way home stopped off at the Blues festival, which just happens to be very close to home, just blocks away at Woodbine Park.. and we caught Lil Ed & the Blues Imperials - Fun. & tomorrow we are off to Kensington Mkt.. maybe barefoot!!?..

from Barefoot Canada - at one with out world:
"June 1-7 has been, once again, declared “National Barefoot Week” by Soles4Souls, a Nashville-based charity that collects new and used shoes to be donated to people in need around the world. The week-long event is a yearly highlight the charity uses to encourage people to get involved in donating any type of footwear to be re-distributed in the US and other places where people might need it.
As part of the drive, Soles4Souls encourages people to take off their shoes and spend some time barefoot in order to personally experience what would it be like to have no shoes to put on their feet."

ps. Checking out Vibrams Five Finger shoes is on the agenda.. and shoes are a theme this trip, we were just looking at Toms shoes, in a store that had just closed and I was thinking I should go back & try them - vegan (which is always nice!!) and with every pair sold they give a new pair to a child in need!! 
Happy Barefooting.. or at least here to being consciously shoe'd, if not!  


  1. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Hi to visiting Mum .. Love from Dawn

  2. Hey Dawn, Love & Hugs back!! xo
