I have just spent 10 hours filming at Rawlicious .. preparing and showing how to make lots of great breakfast and dessert recipes. ..& today is the day I really should have had a camera with me, cause they looked great & it would have been nice to show pictures here of them.. instead you get cute picures of red bugs and flowers, cause its the 1st thing that popped into my mind when I opened up my computer.. and I am kind of tired and frankly kind of surprised at myself to be here posting so diligently & lovingly anyway.. when I should be resting to get lots of energy to go back & make more wonderful food at work tomorrow!! But I will have lots of energy, cause I am RAW!!! : ) ..and just a quick post.

These photo collections are wild! Great idea. Where do you get the photos?
I just googled 'red love bug'- I was deleriously tired when I came home and amazingly enough.. went and spread granola, started buckwheat, posted a blog.. crazy.
sometimes those are the funnest blogs!
was just enjoying reading yours!
Thanks, and hugs, R
Gorgeous pictures!! I became happy just by looking at these amazing colors! :)
Yay - Happy is what we aim for!
Always.. and it makes me happy to meet you! Cheers!
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