Monday, April 24, 2006


Mon. April 24 – the Dreamway
Thurs. April 27 – the Little Prince
Sat. April 29 – Conversations with God, Book 2, Chapter 13
Mon. May 1 – The Power of Now – pg 91
Tues. May 2 – thoughts, fog analogy, ‘don’t know’ mind
Wed. May 3 – Appreciation and Gratitude
Thurs. May 4 - Power of Now, pg93 – invisible energy field body
Sat. May 6 – wahe guru – sikh guru teaching
Mon. May 8 – opening young coconuts, Book of Urantia
Tues. May 9 – Course in Miracles – vibrational rates
Wed. May 10 – my diet
Fri. May 12 – Joe Gustin
Sun. May 14 – tulips and Emotional Freedom Technique
Tues. May 16 – The Four Agreements, Quick Draw McGraw
Wed. May 17 - Love
Thurs. May 18 – the air car, Epic Dewfall
Fri. May 19 – Grace
Sat. May 20 – the 5 Tibetan Rites
Sun. May 21 – PMS, chaste tree, Namaste
Mon. May 22 – interactive dreams, water
Tues. May 23 – water cont. enlightenment, Gurdjieff
Wed. May 24 – Da Vinci, recipe, Gorillaz
Thurs. May 25 – yoga, awareness, D Wolfe quotes
Fri. May 26 – Earthsea and fairy story, liquid diet, optimist tips
Sat. May 27 – new moon, life cycles – involution and evolution
Sun. May 28 – yoga poses, x-men
Mon. May 29 – Friends, overeating help
Tues. May 30 – Mt. Everest, Power vs Force
Wed. May 31 – Headstands, Nia, reflexology charts
Thurs. June 1 – Power of Now from Chap.3
Fri. June 2 – top 5 exercises, chocolate and ice cream
Sat. June 3 – Frankl, videos: meet your meat & chew on this
Sun. June 4 – Frankl quotes, more chocolate, raw vegan radio
Mon. June 5 – Voice yourself, petitions, Sioux Indian story
Tues. June 6 – the devil
Wed. June 7 - Death
Thurs. June 8 – yoga tips, detox & food
Fri. June 9 – Randy & Mom’s websites, menu, breathing exercise
Sat. June 10 – time and destiny
Mon. June 12 – Scene, core and Krsna
Ties. June 13 – wild parrots
Wed. June 14 – FoodShare, Torkom Saraydarian, Reading Room
Thurs. June 15 - Oils, Tao, yin-yang, Kenny vs Spenny
Fri. June 16 – Toa translations, gifts
Sat. June 17 – creams and oils, Calvin and Hobbs
Sun. June 18 – Nizlopi, Father’s day
Mon. June 19 – Food Journal 2005
Tues. June 20 – Randy’s site, open brackets
Wed. June 21 – Dada, the talisman, amputating
Thurs. June 22 – miracle studies, thank water, Jaya Krishnan
Fri. June 23 – Ginger bath
Sat. June 24 – racism, morning news, pizza & tomato sauce, Storm’s blog
Sun. June 25 – creative quietude
Mon. June 26 – pride parade, clap-out, preNY
Tues. June 27 – NY1
Wed. June 28 – grad review, hyperspace, McKenna, NY2, turtle moon
Thurs. June 29 – NY3, weather sayings, King Achilla Orru
Fri. June 30 – snacks, Celtic salt, resin, David Hynes
Sat. July 1 – XGMO, mandolin & other stories
Sun. July 2 – moldevite, Phillip K. Dick, alien souls
Mon. July 3 – Melchizedek, Merkaba, animation
Tues. July 4 – Kripalu, I Ching, cilantro, vaccines
Wed. July 5 – water, Salif Keita
Thurs. July 6 – white tea, Michael Luckman, tea stories
Fri. July 7 – raw blog, soilandhealth, Live Food Factor, youtube, satori
Sat. July 8 – mercury retrograde, horoscopes, drowning, Animal Speak, miracles
Sun. July 9 – Gauguin, pop, power, cosmos magazine
Mon. July10 – breast cancer, standard diets, healthcare
Tues. July 11 – Landmark forum, top 10 movies
Wed. July 12 – Yerba Mate, almond milk, Bowen technique
Thurs. July 13 – Torkom Saraydarian analogy
Fri. July 14 – Toronto Sprout Corp. the meatrix, centripetalnotion
Sat. July 15 – Osho, enlightenment stories, Earth
Sun. July 16 – morning pages, American freedom
Mon. July 17 – raw colour, Desiderata
Tues. July 18 – zaads, vipassana meditation
Wed. July 19 – medicine cards – Raven, Butterfly, PoN
Thurs. July 20 – labradorite, ravens & butterflies2, Cresent Park
Fri. July 21 – Goji berries, Native Am code of Ethics, racial harmony day
Sat. July 22 – Waking Life, celery, dream journal, world music, naturopath, bubblegum Kei
Sun. July 23 – AzulFM, phrase meanings, world population, Irish blessing
Mon. July 24 – Cacao recipes and article, Rainforest facts and plants
Tues. July 25 – Love and Gratitude to Water day
Wed. July 26 – Crocs, raw basket, Sentient Times, David Bohn
Thurs. July 27 – Life is art, Rudy Rucker, Torkom Saravdarian, love and joy
Fri. July 28 – Wolfe thoughts
Sat. July 29 – most luminous star, worst case scenarios, recipes, raw food-happy planet
Sun. July 30 – Spirit Dance, 40 day purification, Sleep
Mon July 31 – Gandhi, Ann Wigmore, taste sensations. Gerson therapy
Tues. Aug. 1 – Huanchu Daorchan, 10th dimension, Mercola
Wed. Aug. 2 – away in Bali
Thurs. Aug 3 – E3Live and Ninxia Red
Fri. Aug 4 – Green Smoothie Recipes
Sun. Aug 6 – Sleep and my dream car
Mon. Aug 7 – Klimt, 10 highest paid paintings, David R. Hawkins
Tues. Aug 8 – Honey. Watermelon and neaking zucchini days, Herb Salad - Tabouli
Wed. Aug 9 – Water and Human Vibrations and Frequencies
Thurs. Aug 10 - beliefs, transitions, karmic duty and a Natural Antibiotic recipe
Fri. Aug 11 – Chyawanprash and John Tobias poem
Sat. Aug 12 – quotes, Childrens Aids Program, Loren Lockman, Raw Benefits
Sun. Aug 13 - Loren Lockman and the Tanglewood Wellness Center in Panama
Mon. Aug 14 – Quotes and DaBar pics
Tues. Aug 15 – Science & Salad dressings – the basics
Wed. Aug 16 – Urantia revisited I
Thurs. Aug 17 - Urantia revisited II – Adam and Eve
Fri. Aug 18 – My day
Sat. Aug 19 - Urantia revisited III – selected quotes
Sun. Aug 20 – Urantia Revisited IV – Morontia Mota
Mon. Aug 21 - Urantia Revisited IV – selected quotes

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