Monday, August 08, 2011

Incredible Ice Cream - raw, dairy free, vegan and delicious!

Hi. These are a few pics of one of our favorite treats lately. When we moved here to NB and were getting settled in to live here with Mom I had a few little splurges before we settled into a few months of Extreme Budgeting (which we are still on). Don't get me wrong, we have amazing abundance here - I couldnt believe how the freezer was stocked with E3Live, local berries, maple syrup.. pantry stocked - really, we have so much.. but to be honest I went from a nice comfortable salary (to create raw foods - imagine!!) to no salary overnight. & so now, time to reestablish etc.. and I am enjoying the slow pace of life, time to think and walk barefoot, enjoy the sun and flowers, talk, play.  

so anyway, a few of my purchases that I figured I really needed - a couple new pair of Vibram five finger shoes, a few weights (15 & 20 lbs) and a Cuisinart ice cream maker!!

Chocolate and Espresso flavors - my favs! Made with cashews, young Thai coconut, local maple syrup, agave and flavorings - raw cacao, vanilla, espresso. Raw ice cream is the best! Incredibly delicious!!!
(& I had just developed 21 fantastic flavors for Raw Pantry/ Raw Bistro!)

The machine that makes magic..

..and my boss had just bought me this super heavy (& expensive) cleaver  (I mentioned that I left mine, a $10 one, at a friends place when I brought a case of coconuts over for a party). So I get here and try to use the cleaver and cant open the coconuts the way I am used to - shaving off the top and whacking the shaved opening (it naturally cracks open this way). I got frustrated and vented my anger on a few huge whacks on the top of the coconut and lo & behold.. it opened right up. It turns out this way is even easier than my shaving the top method.. which I have used for 100's (1000's?) of coconuts.. now we just need a good source of coconuts in Moncton! Randy drove these up with him from Halifax, closest place I know to get them.


  1. Anonymous11:19 PM

    looks amazing! I've got the same ice cream maker! do you have any recipes for your lovely ice cream by any chance? :)

  2. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Would love to see raw ice cream recipes too!

  3. I know, and I used to post more recipes on here. I have a couple variations of ice cream.. a specialty one I created for Raw Bistro (which I feel is out of my hands to give away). I love to share recipes.. and one day will love to have a recipe site. But until the future of the ice cream is determined, it will remain a 'secret' recipe. ..however, one day I'm sure it will be 'out' (I'm not a big fan of secrets)
    Love & Peace! xo

  4. Your ice cream looks so good!! It even looks so good that my dairy-ice-cream-lovin' husband would probably like it. I hope those secrets come out soon. :)
