Sunday, June 26, 2011

Our Garden

At the back of our house, actually the side, as our house is on the corner of 2 streets, we have a garden. Every year Mom puts in a garden.. and I suggested to her when she was still in the hospital that we put one in again this year. she loved that idea.  

The pictures above are side by side of the garden. Moms brother came one night and turned the soil, by hand (well, and a pitchfork) That was a big job! but made our job of planting it easier. Mom and I went through a seed catalogue from William Dam and picked out about 12 packages of seeds, mostly different varieties of greens. We started some seeds inside from yellow cherry tomatoes she grew last year. ..and we went to the garden center and splurged on some plants already started.

The most challenging part was planting as the communication is difficult and Mom is an accomplished gardener - when I was young we used to have over an acre of land where our cottage was and 
every summer she planted a huge vegetable garden. we had everything from corn to beans to potatoes and many fruit trees as well as lots of strawberries and raspberries ..and cranberries and blueberries just below our land growing wild, but plentiful. It was awesome there in the summer! We had a tire swing and the neighbours were farmers and had 2 young cows which my friend and I loved and petted and fed them things they shouldnt have, like apples from the trees and named them Fluff and Star.. until one day they werent there anymore and the neighbour came and asked my Mom if she wanted to buy the meat! (Ahh, uck, that was slightly traumatic!)   Oh, but I really got off track this time.. anyway, Mom knows vegetable gardening inside out and although I know a fair bit about it and have done it.. the communication problem really showed up here. I wanted to do it her way and ask advice, but she couldnt understand me, or I wasnt sure if she could and certainly couldnt answer me.. so we felt our way through it.. as we do most things. Its interesting how we have our way of understanding each other sometimes without language.  Dealing with Aphasia (I'm sure from both sides, hers and mine) is an interesting process. It can be frustrating and hard..but we try to laugh at it or just let things go that we cant figure out.

We have lots of containers of tomato plants!

I particularly like this little pot of pea plants running up thin stakes and small pansies (viola) in between. I was having a little thing with violas this year and went out and bought a whole bunch more to plant throughout the garden.. mainly because their edible and so pretty on desserts and in salads. 

Me in the garden : ) Its an every day event!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:02 AM

    Hi Robin! Love your lilac tree and bleeding hearts. Thanks for sharing!
