Monday, November 08, 2010

Grounding, Spanish ..and I'm going away soon, but not as long this time!

I have had a number of people asking about the blog this week. I dont know why all of a sudden.. but maybe its a sign. So, I thought I would check in & say hi.. and maybe I'm going to be getting back into blogging again soon. Cause I really enjoy this part of my life.. writing and sharing the things that I find enriching - healthy, colourful, soulful. 

I have been on a big Spanish journey,& thats what I have been doing a lot of in my spare time, when I wasnt blogging - I was reading, listening, watching everything in spanish.. outside of recipe books and research for work.. which also has been filling up most of my time. Working on such wonderful raw food creations and experimenting. I am so in heaven with my job!!  ..and maybe one day I will have a Comida Cruda blog en espanol ; ) y quizas eso va a pasar un dia cuando sé mas ..pero por ahora, estoy feliz - sé lo suficiente para leer novelas y ver peliculas y programas sin subtituladas y aqui es donde yo queria estar. Lo Hice! : ) 

...oops, from the Spanish - a Raw Food blog in Spanish ; ) & maybe that will happen one day when I know more ..but for now, I am happy - I know enough to read novels and watch movies and shows without subtitles & this is where I wanted to be. I did it! : ) 

Above - about a month ago I bought a Grounding Kit. My Mom bought one for herself before me and had incredible results!! I was so impressed, I wanted it too, of course ; ) and bought the mattress sheet and the pad (for when I am on my computer.  I had a pretty good feeling it was working because my cat would sleep in a different spot than he usually did.. to where the grounding sheet was underneath the blanket. Thats a pretty good sign for me, animals are more intuitive and know these things. We'll talk more about grounding later!

Oh, and I want to mention quickly before I head out again, I am off to Mexico for a week.. leaving early Thursday morning - 3 more sleeps.. that is if I sleep Wed eve, because I have to get up at 2 or 3am! very early flight. 2 days!!  so excited!!  Hey, it's nice to be back! I've kinda missed this place.. it feels right. Hasta pronto!! Ciao!


  1. You are beautiful ... so happy you are back !

    I love U

  2. Anonymous12:03 AM

    Awesome post. Do you mind if I ask what your source is for this information?
