Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Canciones and Drinks

This is my leccíon en español esta noche. I love that I can post whatever I want here!!!
& that I know what this means! : )

Yummy Drink for Night Lessons

2 parts Pineapple juice
2 parts Orange juice
1 part Lemon juice
1/2 part Agave

or easier still: Kombucha in a glass with ice and an umbrella! ; )

el último leccion de la noche.. (its all Very beautiful, but if you dont know Spanish, you might want to skip in to about 4:04 ; )

I am studying lessons now from La Casa Rojas - I am LOVING these lessons. They are free and they are awesome! : ) Muy, muy divertidos! (very, very fun!)
Dulces sueños!!


  1. Anonymous10:49 PM

    I had never heard of the ketchup song before....I love it...listening to it again and again. I am starting an intermediate Spanish conversation class next week...can't wait. My skills are not what yours are..I can only catch words here and there in the song...but I love Spanish/Mexican/Latin/Hispanic culture and music...what is the ketchup song about? It seems to have a repetitive theme but I just can't catch it...I say hey...


  2. Hi Alessandra!
    ok, its the weekend and this Diego guy is checking out all the girls and runmeandoing (dancing) around - dancing to the ragatanga rhythm.. and he goes to this club, always around midnight and knows the Dj who plays all his fav songs and all the women are hot for him ..and hes checking out all the girls and theres some brujeria (witchcraft) going on (or they think there is) and you know all that crazy latin salsa stuff! ; )

    I Highly recommend the link I posted in this blog. I have tried almost everything out there.. gotten podcasts and transcripts from everywhere, lots of cd's, even Rosetta Stone.. almost finished level 4 of it now.. but this link is amazing. Its free.. and the man giving the course has been teaching for 25+ years, hes from Peru .. his wife, from the US, who teaches with him is fluent and speaks so well.. so inspiring.

    This may be, so far the best resource I have found - and Free!
    but it started in January and goes for a year.. so I am rushing to try to catch up.

    whew long night, long comment.
    Just coming from funeral home for Tracy, long day at work, & again tomorrow ..and another funeral home tomorrow night! Oi

    to bed.. sweet dreams!
    Glad you enjoyed the video - me too! (& I think Tracy would have loved it ; )

  3. ps theres an afro'd gitano (gypsy) in there too.. but the chorus ( a lot of the song is mostly untranscribable I think)
    I understand a lot.. but I have hardly spoken anything, thats my low point I need to work on. Maybe we will speak in Spanish one day.
    If you are in Toronto - where are you taking your classes? 'night!

  4. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I am taking them through the university here in Boulder, CO..my husband is faculty and they are offering some language classes to faculty, staff and spouses...

    I tried to take a conversation class once before but it was at a community college and the instructor who was awesome, had to take all comers...most of whom weren't even close to being able to have a conversation...so I didn't stay. I listen to la radio, talk to myself, people I meet...but I can only make basic conversation....any thing muy rapido and yo soy "lost"...

    Hugs to you and everyone as you say goodbye to Tracy...know this...she is still around....still with you...she is happy and at peace and wants you all to be happy too. When my aunt died, I could feel her energy at the funeral..it was so loving and happy...she was happy to see us all together....my dad was around at his, telling us how much he loved us and saying goodbye as it was so fast we didn't get to say goodbye....my uncle was not around...didn't feel him at all...he left...but Tracy I am sure is still with you....loving you.


  5. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I love love love Las Ketchup now! And I did google it and found the words..now I just want to watch it over and over and over again until I can sing it as fast and as well as they do it and get all the dance moves in there too! I love love love it!

    (Did I say I love it?)



  6. Thanks Alessandra for those nice thoughts.. yes, I actually am sure she is around.

    I find audiobooks great to listen to also. You can repeat listening to them until you get them. ; )

    Tal vez un dia podriamos hablar juntos! Quizas!! abrazos
