Thursday, March 18, 2010

Life - Live On Chocolates, the Symphony, Garlic and Running...

I just got in from a run.. I cant believe I did that boyfriend urged me to go with him. & I was feeling so tired.. falling asleep in front of my Rosetta Stone (level 4!! : )  So happy that I got levels 4 & 5 now.. and thats as far as it goes. But wow, I feel amazing now. That was great.
I drank 3 green smoothies today - 16 oz glasses.. I love when I do that, cause often I only have 2. I just dont take the time to make them.. and really they are so easy..but its easy to get wrapped up in other things. ..& I really do understand the difficulty of keeping up the raw lifestyle with a busy lifestyle. I think I picked my profession to be making raw food mainly for a reason!! ; ) 

What else is going on.. well, I didnt make it to the Total Health Show this year.. I always go & I love going. But it turned out that I was working - Full-on recipe testing (& tasting) for 3 days -Last Thurs, Fri & Sat.. and then Sunday my son was coming over.. and to be honest -1. They didnt have a big name raw chef or speaker this year, like usual, and 2. I really was looking forward to a 'me' day and getting things done around here.. working 6 days a week is a lot! & I slept in till noon, with the time change.. it was wonderful, luxurious..  Oh & James & I went to the symphony on Sat eve & that was wonderful. There was this young 26 yr old conductor, who I was totally taken with, here visiting from London. I thought he and his story and the music was fascinating, Robin Ticciati. I met some friends from the raw-scene, who were obviously symphony frequenters who said they played some pieces better for him that they've ever seen them played.. really enjoyed the evening!! Fun & inspiring.

James went the health show & brought me home some Live On Chocolates made by Stacy, which are delicious. I am savoring one now!! I highly recommend trying them. Raw chocolate is definitely the way to go.  I can eat just raw nibs, love it. .. but homemade raw truffles are a true delicacy for me. I am treating myself.  I came in from running, ate a whole garlic clove.. just straight up popped the clove in my mouth and chewed and chased with water. I feel so hardcore - I've come a long way - I used to chop it up first and chase it with honey, etc..  gotta be able to appreciate some garlic once in awhile to get close to me. lol  
& now I am enjoying apple cider and truffles. Thank you Stacy!! : ) Have a beautiful night. I'm off on a testing marathon again tomorrow. Have a great day too!!! xo


  1. Anonymous6:52 AM

    i absolutely adore all your writing style, very unique.
    don't quit and also keep posting for the simple reason that it just that is worth to look through it.
    excited to browse through alot more of your current articles, have a great day :)

  2. Thanks Robin!! I'm glad you liked the truffles! Which was your favourite?
