Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Life con't - Yoga, Running, Espanol, Passover and August Gold

I am feeling Spring in the air now.. and it sounds almost summerish coming for the end of the week. I'm excited for that.. I am such a sun lover!!! Love this warm weather!

I just got in from running again! : )  & I just went and picked up 3 Yoga DVD's from the library, 4 more in transit and more waiting on hold!!  I told a girl in Cuba that I would look into sending her some Yoga DVD's and finally getting at it, well, researching, but close. I was feeling a bit bad that it was taking me this long to get at it.. I figured there must be some reason.. and maybe, just maybe its because it feels like exactly the right time to really get inspired myself. I just checked one of them out, it was so peaceful, on a sandbank.. I felt like it was in Cuba. I am so up for being transported, me and my yogamat to a sandbank on a Veradero beach. : )

Food-wise, Yesterday (& the day before) I prepared a big Raw Passover Seder-Dinner. It was great. & I've been really into raw cheeses lately.. and tomorrow I have a testing for a few 'rice'-based dishes, and more.. so much to experiment with. How wonderful to be so into something I love!!
Did you know that many sushi chefs spend years on getting the sushi rice down down before they get to move on to rolling. wow. I love Japanese culture.

& as for my Spanish, I am excited that I have downloaded on my iPod - The 4 Agreements in Spanish - Los Cuatro Acuerdos - audiolibro!! It's awesome, so exciting to understand it so well. I know the book so well, have read it a few times and love it. I also recently just bought "En Mis Propios Paabras - por Su Santidad el Dalai Lama"  In my Own Words by the Dalai Lama, but in Spanish! ; ) an introduction to his teachings and philosophy. Ahh.. life is good.

A little piece of paper next to me reads (this is from a a podcast-interview with August Gold, who I really enjoyed. I just went through a small pile of papers, tossed some, kept some, this is selected at random) :

"You must welcome everything"
"I agree. I agree." 

"Life is in constant conversation with us. Our job is to keep the door open to every conversation life wants to have with us."

"Life leads those who will & those who won't, it drags."

She has an inspiring morning ritual which she shared, called the 5-5-5 plan (or maybe I made that up ; )
 To start your day is a very positive way, she recommends doing this:
Take 5 minutes and Read a book of higher truth, something inspiring, a spiritual or inspiring text which you enjoy. Then..
Take 5 minutes and Write - what you are feeling inside ..and then
Take 5 minutes and just Sit. Not even meditating, she said she didn't even want to call it meditating (but it could be) just sitting in silence ..she suggested you could take a statement of Truth and sit with it.
By doing this you are developing a conversation with life that is so important.


  1. Allan R. Francis10:45 PM

    Hi Robin;
    just spent about 20 minutes on your terrific website. It's been a while since I visited and it just sparkles. I especially enjoyed your fruit presentation as Sherry and I visited Jamaica and most of central America last spring.
    Keep well and happy.
    Allan Francis
    (one of your Mom's good friends)

  2. Hi Al!
    Thanks for dropping by, great to hear from you. Ahhh, Jamaica. I would LOVE to go to Jamaica!! (& most of Central America!! )
    Love & Hugs ..and to Sherry! : )
