Sunday, February 07, 2010

Love Cuba!!

These are some of my favorite images and memories of Cuba. I Loved Cuba!! Loved the people, the energy, the music, the beaches, the Spanish architecture..but mostly the people. Generally poor, low access to internet, but they seem to have an inner happiness, a connectedness to each other and the earth, a vibrancy, peace, and fun love of life - the laughter, the connectedness, the sun - it's a beautiful place. I had a huge education - learned a lot about the system from outside and from inside - Life is fascinating & all I know is that I dont know.. and that I love the people here!
Music everywhere..
Coco's Taxis - all over the place - very fun!

The best part - the Beach

Cactus trees!

Arbol de Queso - is not a Cheese tree!! but a Noni tree. ..and a bit of advice: if you make friends with a Spanish gardener and he lets you take a Noni from the tree, dont decide to wrap it in a cloth bag and put it in your suitcase and bring it home to see if it will ripen, because - there is a very good chance it will get hot  in your suitcase, and mushy....  and we all know what noni is like!!! yuck! the noni will go straight into the garbage and the clothes and anything around it will go straight into the laundry.. and everythign will eventually get resolved - but just dont do that! ; ) !!

We discovered we could walk into the town of Veradero - it took a long time & I had a blister on the bottom of my foot the 1st time - but it was so interesting & we had the most beautiful walk back on the beach, ..and so it didnt stop us from doing it again the next day! : )

From the main road it was only a block down to the beach.

One of my favorite views ; )

..and a few pics of the many I took randomly from the window of the bus leaving..

Adios, Hasta luego! Espero ver a mis buenos amigos que conoci un dia de nuevo pronto!! xo

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