Sunday, January 03, 2010

The Fifth Agreement

The Fifth Agreement was the book I wanted most for Christmas. I always get amazing books for Christmas..but I was especially looking forward to this one as The Four Agreements, its predecessor (from 12 years ago!), is one of my very favorite - I mean all-time favorite - books. So I finally sat down last night to read it.. and I read late (most of the night), up early continuing.. and actually finished it by early afternoon. I was sooo into it, I was actually rereading many pages, sections. I loved the four agreements just as much, and maybe more on one level, but I took about a month to read that one - slowly..because even though it is so easy to read.. it is very, very deep! Now the Fifth Agreement is deep also, equally I think, but different..but its like I had just been waiting to her these words.. and I just couldn't put it down.

Jose Ruiz says in an interview here, that "The Fifth Agreement is based on all my father’s teachings. He did a course called “Angel Training” which is about training the mind. It is about bringing awareness to the dream that is your life. All of life is a dream. The world is a mirror that reflects back to us what we believe. We create our beliefs and the mirror of God reflects them back to us."

The Fifth agreement is about different levels of awareness, different levels of being, or artistry, as he puts it. Its really about de-programming, which has been a major focal point in my life for the past few years, and belief systems, how they are formed, how they guide how we see the world, and about dismantelling them.. getting back to truth. It's about seeing our story ..and seeing other peoples stories, and seeing beyond them. Its about self-mastery, seeing how we work, understanding our creation. The actual Fifth agreement is more precisely, and basically, to be skeptical of our own lies and to be in truth at all times...& to listen with the heart. Overall its about raising ourselves through levels of awareness, from awareness of the Dreamer, to awareness of the Warrior and finally to awareness of the Seer.

a small exerpt - I like this God part : )

" Instead of using words, perhaps a better way is to put you face to face with God, so you can see God. And if I show you God, face to face, what you are going to see is yourself. Believe it or don't believe it, but you will see yourself because you are the manifestation of God. And if you could see what's moving your body, then you would see the real God. Look at your own hand. Move your fingers. The force that moves your fingers is what the Toltec call intent, or what I call life, the infinite, or God.
Intent is the only living being that exists, and it's that force which is moving everything. You are not the fingers. You are the force that is moving them. The fingers obey you. You can give whatever explanation you want: "Oh, my brain, my nerves..." But if you go for the truth, the force that moves your fingers is the same force that makes you dream; it's the same force that opens a flower, or moves the wind, or creates a tornado, or makes the stars move throughout the universe, or makes electrons move around atoms. There is only one living being, and you are that being. You are that force that manifests itself in infinite ways throughout all the universes."

& then it goes on into our energies, it's 1st manifestation of light, which is the energy.. and DNA and its all interesting.. oh, and how we are a universe (of course) but this is a small personal favorite part.. because I am not sure if I mentioned how I used to think that maybe I was an atom in the body of God, and often wondered if I was if I was part of his big toe, or nose or something = ) Just where do I fit in anyway? But he says that yes, all of us humans on earth we form an organ of the earth, and the water forms another, and trees another, you know. & I really liked that thought.
ok, time to put that book to bed. ..& me. Good Night!!! xo


  1. sounds great, i need to read that! I read his previous book and really liked it.



  2. Anonymous10:31 PM

    thanks for the inform on the new book .. Love from Dawn..
