Thursday, January 21, 2010

Cayenne Power

Oh, I am feeling the Cayenne!! in a very good way.. I was wondering how I would feel.. I was just down in the kitchen and took lots of interesting things, all of the normal, except being inspired by a long note on the benefits of Cayenne from my Mom - and how to make tinctures and dry and grind you own, but more on that later.. - So, my morning, I had a green smoothie delivered 1st thing - Ahh, life is good!! ; ) and then went and took some water with phytoplankton drops, Turmeric, Cordycepts, 2 other blends of various mushrooms, lots of that, they are so powerful - Maitake, Rieshi, etc etc.. Maca, Chlorella.. etc and topped it off with a cap of Cayenne.
& wow, I am feeling the Energy!! ..and the Love!! Have the most magical and beautiful day ever!! xo

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