Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Love without End, Jesus Speaks - Quotes on Love, Food and Sunlight

Always receive with love, for it is love which instructs the food on how to nourish your body. Bless the food and thank the givers and preparers of it. Your love will be attuned to the energy frequency your heart has set for your body and will properly instruct your body on how to use the nutrients. For better nutrition, strengthen your heart. A strong heart sets the body at a higher frequency, and establishes a lower resistance mode of energy utilization which is not only more efficient, but is also more able to process and manufacture vitamins and minerals.”

“ Directly receiving sunlight at sunrise or sunset will actually help increase your frequency levels. Whenever you do this, your body chemically responds, and stimulates the manufacture of certain nutrients your energy level is otherwise too low to produce. Chemical resonance equals energy frequencies, and vice versa. Actually, much of the value of hard mineral traces in your bodies is the energetic matrix generated by them. The sun can provide this directly, for it contains both the substance and the fire of every mineral available in your solar system."

“The major cause of overweight, malnutrition, and dietary disease is loveless meals from unloved plants and unloved animals, grown on an unloved Earth. There is no coincidence that such problems have increased in proportion to lifestyles of hasty and obsessive eating."

"The entire science of Kosher cooking which Moses taught was based on an understanding of such factors. For example, one of the rules of Kosher cooking is that veal should never be cooked with milk. Veal is the meat of a calf, and milk is the essence of its mother's love. The substance of the mother's life should never be combined with the slaughtered body of her child. It is a dishonoring of the love. That was the entire reason for it. All the laws of Kosher cooking have their roots in similar concepts of love and nourishment. Unfortunately, much of that wisdom has been lost and replaced with rigid formulas. As with much ancient wisdom, the structures remain and the elixir of truth has evaporated."

"A true understanding of the relationship between food and love could revolutionize health. However, do not forget what I told you about sunlight; to watch the sun in the morning and the evening, because watching the sun can actually set your physical, etheric, and spiritual hearts into a harmonic resonance which will attract what you need and process what you have more perfectly. Doing this will improve your experience of the day, as well as your energy, your nutrition, and your sleep, for adamantine particles are the river of life connecting Heaven and Earth.”

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