Tuesday, September 15, 2009

4 Myth Perceptions of the Apocalypse

Dr. Bruce Lipton explains four myth perceptions that were universally accepted until very recently. Now that they are known to be false, medicine will inevitably change.

Myth # 1 : You Live in a Mechanical Universe

The first myth perception is that the world, especially biology and medicine, operates through Newtonian physics. It says you live in a mechanical universe.

According to this belief, your body is a physical machine, so by modifying the parts of the machine, you can modify your health.

As a physical machine, your body responds to physical “things” like chemicals and drugs, and by adjusting the drugs that modify your machinery, doctors can modify and control life.

Now, with the advent of quantum physics, scientists have realized that this theory is flawed because quantum physics show that the invisible, immaterial realm is far more important than the material realm.

In fact, your thoughts may shape your environment far more than physical matter.
Einstein himself is quoted as saying: “The field is the sole governing agency of the particle.” What that means is that invisible energy is the sole governing agency of matter (the physical world).

It’s interesting to note that the word ‘spirit’ by spiritualists, and the word ‘field’ by physicists, use the same definition for those two words.

So, the new science is actually taking us back, and shows that your thoughts, your attitudes, your beliefs, and the invisible environment, are more primary in shaping your life than anything in the physical world is.

Myth # 2: Your Genes Control Your Life

According to the science of Epigenics, Dr Bruce Lipton explains how the true secret to life does not lie within your D, which picks up signals from its environment control the “reading” of the genes inside.

This means we are not controlled by our genetic makeup. Instead, your genetic readout (which genes are turned “on” and which are turned “off”) is primarily determined by your thoughts, attitudes, and perceptions!

This switches us from being a victim of our heredity. Our life is not predetermined, and it tells us that we have control over our health.

The new science, however, reveals that your perceptions control your biology, and this places you in the role of Master, because if you can change your perceptions, you can shape and direct your own genetic readout.

"Our current perception is that we are victims, and since perceptions control life, if you believe you are a victim, you become a victim.
When we change our perceptions, we can become masters. So we are moving out of “victimhood” into mastery.” Dr. Bruce Lipton

Myth # 3: Life is Based on Survival of the Fittest

The third misperception is the Darwinian belief that life and evolution is based on the survival of the fittest, which is an inherent competition and a struggle for existence that goes on forever.

The new science, however, shows that this is incorrect; that evolution was not based on competition, but rather on cooperation.

This is a profound difference, and it tells us that if we want to evolve as a species, we must stop competing, and begin to recognize our coherence – that we evolved to live as a harmonious community of people, living on this planet as one living “thing” called humanity.

Myth # 4: Life Evolved as a Random Process

This is another Darwinian theory. The significance of this myth is that, based upon it, you have no purpose here, and humans are somewhat disconnected from the environment altogether.

It says that you got here by accident, and since humanity was accidental, humans have no real purpose here on planet earth.

The new biology, on the other hand, reveals that you are in fact an extension of your environment.

In fact, every time an organism is introduced into an ecosystem, its function is to balance it and keep it stable. When viewed from this perspective, you realize that the function of your existence here on earth is to create harmony and stability within your environment.

“… humanity evolved as a compliment to an environment. The very scary situation is, if we destroy the environment that created us, then essentially, we are destroying the foundation of our existence.” Dr Bruce Lipton

many thanks for info excerpted from Mercola.com!

The Four Myth Perceptions of the Apocalypse


  1. Hello Robin,
    Thanks for this post. I was trying to remember B Lipton's 4 mistaken myth perceptions, and google brought me here.
    I looked over your site, liked most all that you're sharing.
    Many blessings to you.
    Jim Gregory in Seattle
