Sunday, July 12, 2009

My Trip to NB

Finally, I am getting around to posting lots of pics of my trip to NB.. these are all taken close to my hometown, Moncton.. and are of where I spent much time growing up.

We were driving through Albert County to see the new wind turbines they have put up..lots of them, and it was so foggy.. we drove in & then all of a sudden we were under these huge things.. They almost scared me.. it felt a bit overwhelming how big they are!
I know they are good.. but they seem kind of eerie to me.. esp when you see a whole bunch of them together.

We were watching this cute groundhog. : )

This is a really cool little beach.

I found lots of rocks that reminded me of my Dad for some reason. & after that, Mom & I were talking about him & we kept seeing all these ominous (in a good way) signs. I was quite sure he was there with us!! So many things but the biggest one was when the guys went & got the car and we laid on the grass -I had just done some yoga and Mom did some QiGong stuff.. and we mentioned how it seemed like he was here cause of the things that were happening & as soon as we laid down on the grass she reached out & picked up a 5 leaf clover - neither one of us had ever even seen one of those in our lives ever!! It gives me a great feeling thinking about it - All is good with the world. Dad was incredibly spiritual.. he believed and experienced lots of unseen realities which were pretty amazing. He used to be a hypnotist (amongst many things) when he was young, he could put up invisible barriers.. o lots of things, amazing things.. He was a real eccentric and a really amazing man. ok, I just needed to talk about him for awhile. I Love you Dad!! (of course he knows that! : )

Amazing terrain!

My son, Nick (one of the most amazing people ever also! )

..and for some raw content in here.. when we got home, Mom had Pizzas for us. She was amazing at keeping the raw foods coming. What a Mom.. she is my biggest inspiraton ever! xo

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