Monday, July 27, 2009

Adelina - a new raw find in NYC

Just a few blocks before reaching Pure, also on 17th st. we came across this new vegetarian and raw organic Italian restaurant. I was amazed, as we had searched the internet thoroughly before leaving.. but they have only been open a short time. And we lucked into walking past and noticing their sign.
Outside they had this menu put up with half of the dishes being on the raw menu & the other half on the vegetarian one.

We were intrigued and led in to check out the desserts, which were mainly all raw, in a display cooler. We tried a few on Thursday and went back on Saturday to try their Lemon Cheesecake. I don't have a picture of it, I knew it would be amazing! & it was. it was tall and I could tell it would have a great texture, it did. I could tell it wasn't like just any cheesecake and asked about it. The guy who made the desserts for Jubb's Longevity (& I hear they made great desserts when they were around) came in to help them and I believe this was his recipe. It was made with Irish moss, I guessed, getting good at figuring these things out.
Mmm, it was delicious, if you go there, definitely order that!

5 Day Cleansing Fast - meals delivered to your home for 5 days.
Great idea! I think this would go over well in Toronto!!

Slice Pomodoro (marinated tomoatoes) :

Slice Funghi (marinated mushrooms) :

This is Anthony & I. He was amazing! He let us take a look around the kitchen too, cool spiral staircase going down. He uses a few different types of dehydrators & great kitchen.
He also has a great staff! The waitresses are so nice. One was also Canadian, Adriane (s/p?) and so great with help, getting around etc. Much love & Thanks!

& the Crystal table. Always a good sign to have one of those!! a sign of a good energy place!!
Best wishes with your wonderful restaurant! xo


  1. I read an article on this place when it first opened, been eyeing the menu online! :) I guess I'll have to give it a try, thanks for the review!

  2. Yes Lauren and try the cheesecake! : ) Mmmm!

  3. I created the Lemon Cheesecake, using Macadamia nuts (no cashews at all)and a tiny bit of Irish Moss. My name is Charles Marino. It was a combination of a few different recipes from NY and CA. Any questions my site is Thank you.

  4. Hi Charles. We loved the cheesecake!
    : ) Anthony must have told you! Thanks! It's great to hear from you & meet you. & thanks for leaving your website! Peace.
