Thursday, June 04, 2009

My Strawberry Lacuma Cookies

One of the really fun things about eating raw foods is creating with raw foods!! While there are lots of raw food prep books out there.. the realm of raw foods is still mainly wild uncharted territory.. so many new inventions and ways of preparing foods are still yet to be explored.

& I love turning up the music, opening the windows, letting the sunshine in and creating..
Last week I made these incredible Strawberry Lacuma Cookies.. they were amazing. I was apprehensive about how they would turn out.. they had an almost smoky mesquitey flavour to them ..and turned out to be almost addictive!

But.. I didn't write down what I put in them.. and I tried to recreate them yesterday, sort of..I got carried away putting different things together in the bowl.. even some of Chocosol's chili chocolate! and they are very, very good ..
but not the same.. I think I put black sesame seeds in last time.. hmm, I wonder if I actually put mesquite in? maybe just a tablespoon..

I will just have to try again once this batch is done. I just ate 3.. it won't take long!!

note - added later, in response to Caleb's comment for ingredients.

Hey Caleb,
have been thinking of your request for ingredients and I couldn't remember them all, except for my crazy idea of putting chili chocolate in there! : )

I actually just found the piece of paper that had the ingredients on it. I have a thing with experimentation and also of spinning around my kitchen and putting everything I can find into a bowl and seeing what happens.
: )
Usually I am in the habit of writing it down somewhere (ideally in the notebook I have in the kitchen), but often just on a piece of paper.

Here is the recipe of what I made, the 2nd batch. & I think I remember putting black sesame seeds in the 1st batch, which is probably what gave it the smoky flavour (I recognize it now, just made black sesame bread yesterday! Here you go, Enjoy! :

1 1/2 c Walnuts
3/4 c Raisins
process until chunky

2 c Strawberries - processed until chopped up well

3 Bananas - mashed
1 c Almond Pulp (from making almond milk)
1/4 c 5 Chili Chocolate - chopped ( 5 chili chocolate is a ChocoSol product, you can substitute other chocolate pieces)
1/4 c Lacuma powder
3/4 c Sesame seeds
1 c Pecan meal
2 T Vanilla
1/2 t Cinnamon
dash of salt - if I know me. : )

Have fun experimenting with this!


  1. Will we create some of these while you are here on vacation ? they look so yummy ...

  2. Yummy! I am coming over for cookies! :) :)

  3. Oh yes, Mom.. of course we will!! : )
    Great Lauren, looking forward to sharing them with you.. I made lots! xo

  4. What are the primary ingredients though. Please share!

  5. Hi Caleb,
    Finally - I did it! Found the recipe and posted it for you, Enjoy!!
