Saturday, April 25, 2009


Gemmotherapy is a little known aspect of Phytotherapy (basically the study of the use of plant extracts as medicine), that uses extracts of buds, young shoots, spouts, rootlets or inner bark instead of parts of the grown, mature plant. It is said to be a very potent effect on the body. It can help elimination by opening things up, allows tissues to function better and aids in regeneration. It has the power to restore vital energy and to regulate and balance the body.

There has been scientific research since the 1950's demonstrating the effect of the gemmotherapy remedies. It had been studied mainly in Italy and France. Until recently it has been virtually unknown outside these two countries, with the partial exception of the UK, the USA, Germany and the Czech Republic.

Producing: As soon as possible after being picked (and with a delay of not more than a few hours), the buds, young shoots or other parts to be used are cleaned and weighed. A sample is set aside so that the dry weight of the plant material can be determined. This is done by heating it at 105°C in an oven until its weight does not reduce any further.
The rest of the fresh plant material is macerated in an equal quantity of alcohol and vegetable glycerin, to a combined total weight of twenty times the equivalent amount of the dried sample. The proportion of fresh buds to excipient is about 1:9, and of young shoots, about 1:4.
The mixture is left to stand for one month in a cool, shaded environment, and is agitated at intervals. It is then decanted and filtered under constant pressure. After standing for a further forty-eight hours, it is filtered once more. The resulting liquid is known as the souche, or stock. It consists of equal parts of glycerin and alcohol, and 10-25% plant material, depending on the water content of the plant used.
To prepare the remedies in their final bottled form, one part of the souche is diluted with nine parts of a mixture of 50% glycerin, 30% alcohol and 20% water, and this is lightly succussed (shaken rather than struck) thirty times to bring it to the 1DH (1X or 1:10) homeopathic potency.
If properly stored in light-proof bottles and a cool, preferably dark, environment, the therapeutic qualities of gemmotherapy remedies do not diminish significantly over time. However, European regulations stipulate that they should be used within five years of the date on which the plant material from which they were made was picked.

The Secret of this Plant Medicine
Gemmotherapy is a super-active type of plant medicine, the powerful effect coming from the growth hormone of the fresh germinating parts of plants, called Gibberlin. It has the power of cleansing the cells by draining away toxic metabolic waste products such as mucus, broken down metabolites, dead cells from the defense system, auto-immune complexes and antibodies that are choking cells to a near death stranglehold.
Beyond that, Gemmotherapy remedies build up the function of organs. Since different plants have affinity for particular organs or tissues of the body, the type of Gemmotherapy plant selected will support that organ or tissue it has affinity for in regeneration through the plant hormones.
The use of the buds, young leaf and rootlets makes it possible to obtain a more active medication, with no need whatsoever to prescribe large doses. Starting with a fresh embryonic plant distinguishes this branch from traditional plant medicine where extracts and powders are prepared from adult plants, sometimes dried.


  1. I have been using Gemmotherapy in my practice for 10 years now. My clients love them.

  2. Hi Fatma, great to hear from you, thanks for the input-confirmation.
    Hugs, R
