Monday, March 02, 2009

4 Years Raw & How to Save the World

It's March. It's now been 4 years since I have been raw. I just received a beautiful e-mail from my Mom who went raw with me with a congratulations ..which was so nice. To be honest it feels like I have been raw all my life.. although I remember that there was a time when I would eat the craziest artificial things and have had no clue at what it was doing to me.. how it was making me feel. I thought I was just normal.. just like everyone else.. in fact, I may have thought I felt better than most.. I have been blessed with an amazing metabolism (even without being raw) & was busy and active and thought I felt great, but sometimes you really dont know what you dont know until you know, you know?
Now I feel Great.. not like before.. & Now I know that I didn't know.
& Life is just as Beautiful ..but I am much, much more aware and open to it.
& I am very, very thankful!!!

Tomorrow is Mi-San's Birthday.. we are going out after my day at Rawlicious for dinner and then in the evening to a seminar given by business mentor David Pollard - Finding the Sweet Spot: The Natural Entrepreneur's guide to responsible, sustainable, joyful work. He has an interestig blog also - How to Save the World - with his environmental philosophy, creative works, business papers and essays.

Hugs! Have a spectacular and very fun Tuesday!!