Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 6 Filming - Spring Rolls, Tamarind dishes, Pad Thai, Mexican Rice, Fries, Thai Broccoli, Chili & more!!

Mmmm.. Chili !!!! Ingredients set out.. This is Day 6 of filming recipes at Rawlicious. Last day!! ..and again we covered a lot! Some of my favorite Tamarind based dishes: Spring Rolls with a Tamarind Sauce, Vegetables in a Ginger Tamarind Sauce.. &&& Pad Thai!!! One of my favorite recipes!
We also made Mexican Rice..

This is the Chili.. (it's delicious!)

Marinated Thai Broccoli coming up!

Ingredients for making Spring Rolls..

my fun and wonmderful Cameraman likes to take pics of me .. : ) I'm getting better with this. Smile!

Spring Rolls finished and served with a delicious Tamarind dipping sauce.

Ingredients ready to make Jicama Fries

& the final product - Yummy Fries!! Mmm.. it's easy to eat a lot of these.. I almost had them eaten before the picture was taken!

Finale - the Pad Thai.. but not a pic of the end product.. I guess we were onto cleaning up and taking down lights and cameras quickly..

A very Fun and Productive day!!

& now time to chill with a good movie - I'm back at Rawlicious at 8 am tomorrow!!
with good music, Spanish lessons and making lots more amazing raw foods!!! wow.
Glad I love my job. : )


  1. Anonymous8:48 PM

    so when can we see these videos?

    will they be on

    food looks soooooo gooooooood!!

    thanks for all those smiles!

  2. Yum! I love Jicama fries! Mmm!

  3. Your food looks so amazing. I wish I lived close to probably visit you every!

  4. Nice! That looks like some wonderful food! I can't wait to see the videos!


  5. WOW! I want to move in next door to we can create together.....I would have an alterior motive though...( I must admit) goal would be becoming your personal taste tester :)
    Everything looks so yummy!

  6. We have just completed filming and the editing can take months.. however hopefully we will get a sneak peek if possible which I can upload to my blog??
    Yes!! - is the website we are starting (still needs a cool banner/heading etc.) but it has a lot of the books we have recently just republished. I will post more on these soon.
    : )

    Malilies.. I would love for you to come visit me everyday!! come to Toronto! : ) Nice to hear from you!! Thanks for the compliment!

    Kombuchachic.. Thank you! so nice to hear from you. Much love & blessings! ..& thank you for your encouragement! : )

    Jaynel, Yes, Come! Move in next door.. &Come into the kitchen.. curries!? (from your profile page ; )oh yes, Thats coming up soon.. I have been very inspired to create amazing raw curries and Indian food.. but I have so much I want to experiment with.. yes, come!! : )
    Hugs, nice to meet you!
