Thursday, February 26, 2009

Aloha! Fantastico Joy-seekers and Slacker Prophets

The meaning of ALOHA

A = AO

As a code of conduct, a way of acting.As our power grows to a higher level, our capabilities will grow, too. The paradox is that as our own power increases, we use less and less of it. The more powerful we become, the more powerful our words are, the more attention we need to pay to what we do with our actions, thoughts and words. When we become totally powerful, we don't use it at all.
more at

When you take the problems of the world on your shoulders, your body doesn’t feel good. It’s just that simple. Leave the problems of the world to the individual problem-makers of the world, and you be the joy-seeker that you are.
Abraham Hicks - Excerpted from the workshop in Philadelphia, PA on Monday, May 3rd, 2004

As the Spanish say when they are really impressed:¡
Que pasada!
- How amazing!

Eres fantástico! - You're the best!

ok, so I am rushing.. Kaiya & I are sharing a laptop for now, till our desktop gets set up again. and Facebook is waiting!! so random today!! but Random is great : )

My new friend Te'DeVan hs a blog also - Slacker Prophet - where you can find posts such as George Bush Cocaine and the Fugees right next to How Do you measure Spiritual Progress - verrry interesting! ) Fun.

Tedevan: Wandering Healer

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Amazing Jicama Fries

The Jicama fries that came out after the filming segment were so good.. and looked so good! ..even better than the "after" fries I had made the night before.. I think mainly because I cut them so large. The fries shrink a lot and I had cut them like giant fries, so when they were done they looked like an average sized fry - in fact, they looked so remarkably like fries.. everyone was asking "What are those?" & wowing.. so we let everyone test them.. until we sold the rest of the batch in one big bowl to a table.. experimenting is fun!!

Jicama Fries

4 c Jicama - peeled
¼ c Olive oil
¼ c Sun-dried Tomato powder
1 t Onion Powder
1 t Garlic Powder
1 t Salt
½ t Chili
½ t Cumin
½ t Cayenne

Grind sun-dried tomatoes in a spice (coffee) grinder to make sun-dried tomato powder. Mix this with spices and oil. Cut peeled jicama in half or quarters and then slice the halved or quartered jicama ¼“ thick or less in a food processor with the slicer attachment or a knife. Pour spice mixture over jicama slices and toss to coat each side well. Place slices on mesh sheets and dehydrate for about 12 hours.

( We got chocolate samples!! : ) Yay!

This was my lunch today: sprout salad (tossed with a ceasar/poppyseed dressing blend) guacamole and some Fiesta crackers.. I also had lots of alfalfa sprouts, which I topped on the guacamole on the crackers.
*Eat sprouts as often as you can!!*

I have just decided within the last hour to have my recipe book done in color instead of black and white.. & am meeting with my design guy tomorrow.. (my Mom just convinced me of this on the phone, a few minutes ago) I had b&w ideas and now have to get my head around this change of plan.. and put a bunch of food pics together, at least I have lots of those, maybe enough.
The other day on the phone she asked me "Who's you favorite raw foodist of all?" and I responded quickly "You!" : ) She wasn't expecting that. one, but she is. .. and she told me I was her fav too. Lol She's great. I love my Mom.
ok, pics.. bbs

Monday, February 23, 2009

Day 6 Filming - Spring Rolls, Tamarind dishes, Pad Thai, Mexican Rice, Fries, Thai Broccoli, Chili & more!!

Mmmm.. Chili !!!! Ingredients set out.. This is Day 6 of filming recipes at Rawlicious. Last day!! ..and again we covered a lot! Some of my favorite Tamarind based dishes: Spring Rolls with a Tamarind Sauce, Vegetables in a Ginger Tamarind Sauce.. &&& Pad Thai!!! One of my favorite recipes!
We also made Mexican Rice..

This is the Chili.. (it's delicious!)

Marinated Thai Broccoli coming up!

Ingredients for making Spring Rolls..

my fun and wonmderful Cameraman likes to take pics of me .. : ) I'm getting better with this. Smile!

Spring Rolls finished and served with a delicious Tamarind dipping sauce.

Ingredients ready to make Jicama Fries

& the final product - Yummy Fries!! Mmm.. it's easy to eat a lot of these.. I almost had them eaten before the picture was taken!

Finale - the Pad Thai.. but not a pic of the end product.. I guess we were onto cleaning up and taking down lights and cameras quickly..

A very Fun and Productive day!!

& now time to chill with a good movie - I'm back at Rawlicious at 8 am tomorrow!!
with good music, Spanish lessons and making lots more amazing raw foods!!! wow.
Glad I love my job. : )

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Te'Devan and Pecan Pie Ice Cream

I have been having fun at Rawlicious these past few days with Te'Devan in keeping me company in between healing sessions. He's coming in again tomorrow morning.. and yesterday he brought his sign. He's from Manhattan and can be seen sometimes around Union Square.. but recently someone flew him into Montreal for a healing.. and from there he journeyed here and will soon be flying to Miami. Cool life.. and he's really awesome. !!! : )
So he came in a few days ago with an Indian lady who I started talking to ..and it turns out she is working on Indian Raw recipes.. which is just where I had started going.. and we talked about working through some recipes together.. and lots more because she works with energy healing, meditation, breathwork and more also.. Its been such a fun & interesting few days.
...I have really been enjoying vibing with Te'Devan! )

He works with sound vibrations.. I have seen sone amazing healings taken place in the last few days.. so wonderful, ..inspiring..peaceful.. joy.. what is it.. such love, empathy, purity... : ) peace

Oh, yes.. the Ice Cream. Angus is truly Ice Cream King!!! This creation is a pecan pie roll.. not sure if it officially got a name.. we had sold 9/10ths of it within an hour.. it was sooo good!
Yesterday he was getting creative again working on a Carrot Cake Ice Cream. I was slightly skeptical.. but the cream cheeseish frosting is kind of like the ice cream.. and with some of the cake rolled in the middle of it.. it might turn out to be incredibly delicious.. Hope theres some left tomorrow for me to try!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

More on Travelling Food and Dominican Pics

This is the rest of the pics from vacation..

It was so great.. but Now is so great too.. and it feels almost strange to still be posting these.. so many new subjects coming up all the time. I rememeber my Mom asking when I started blogging if I thought I would ever run out of subjects & I thought no, never.. and still do.. although I felt and still do that one day there may just not be a need for talking/typing them out.
I want to mention about food a bit more.. eating raw at an all inclusive.
A few things.. 1 - Desserts: The desserts there - I tasted a couple, somthing chocolate & something lemon.. They were not good.. and maybe its me cause I havent tasted processed desserts for awhile but they tasted very artificial and chemically.. but I noticed everyone else was eating lots.. I was thankful I brought some great chocolate from Chocosol (Raw Vanilla and Raw Darkness) & a bottle of Artisana's Cacao Bliss) They really saved me.. bringing a bag of dates would have worked well also. If you are into sweet.. and there was so much fruit- I do have an acknowledged sweet tooth ..which I may do something about someday ..
I brought Corn Chips, Crackers and beleive it or not a bottle each of Cashew Cheese, Mango Chutney and Olive Tapenade.. I barely touched them.. and could have done without them.. but the thing that I brought that was the best and I ate lots of were dehydrated nuts and seeds.
Soak nuts drain, spice up and add a bit of olive oil, dehydrate.. and bring lots. That was the best of all.. because it was a quick fix. If you are hungry you can just eat a handful or bring a bag with you - quick and easy and they taste good. Same with Granola.. that was good & I ate lots of that also.
Green Flag!!

I also brought phytoplankton, which I added 8-10 drops to water every morning and drank. & chlorella tabs.. Oli of Oregano, which I didnt take but brought just in case I felt any sign of sickness and Digestive Enzymes, which we took regularly.

ok, rushing off to Rawlicious.. in the middle of my long shifts.. Have a wonderful day.. heres the rest of the pics! xo : )

I loved and indulged deeply in Laramar!!! One of my favorite stones! : )