Thursday, January 15, 2009

Chocolate Chips and Other Delicious Things

Check this out! We made chocolate chips today at Rawlicious ..they are going to be soo good. They are in the dehydrator now and will be ready to use in te morning. We are going to make raw chocolate chip cookies!!!! I was known for neighbourhoods around for my chocolate chip cookies - kids came from afar.. lol true, but now I am raw & am soo excited to be back into making cookies. Ultra-healthy superfood cookies that taste amazing and are actually good for you. So wonderful & exciting. (I took lots of pics today..)

I put all of the magical ingredients into the blender to make the chips.

It was very thick, you really need a high speed blender for this. I had to stop or go on the lowest speed and use a spatula to keep the batterturning in and blending together.

I dont think I can even describe in words how good these chips taste. ; ) Mmmm!

The hardest part though was squeezing them out onto the teflex sheets.. it took some muscle power. But like most things, it just kept getting easier. I was getting pretty pro & fast by the end.
Desserts being served: Strawberry Cheezecake and a Brownie with Vanilla Frosting

& we made our Rawkalicious cookies today - the most delicious way to get a huge superfood burst!
The star mug below is my favorite mug. & a clementine snack for me!

Another tray of chips finished and now forming the cookies.

Mm.. we have the most delicious treats. And we needed them today - it was warm & wonderful in Rawlicious - but freezing outside. It was -20 or 25 or something crazy.. I can't believe people live & survive in this climate - & especially that I am one of them!! So crazy!!! Thankfully I work in a warm, fun and cozy place!! xo


  1. Wow, look at that army of raw chocolate chips! They are scary and strong. :)

  2. LOL true!! But now I am off to go talk them into becomming part of a large pacifistic group of chocolate chip cookies!!! : )
    Have a wonderful day
    (ps. Couldnt get into your blog, didnt even know they had secret blogs around here, I like secrets! ; )

  3. Can we get your chocolate chip recipe? They look really yummy...:) Im still trying to find a chocolate cookie recipe I like.

  4. I got the recipe for them from Mattew Kenney's book 'Everyday Raw'
    They are made from cashews, cacao, maple syrup and a bit of vanilla and salt.
    All the Best to you!!

  5. Thanks...I have the recipe book, Ill just have to try them :) Thanks. Love your blog.
