Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Gilberto Gil and Caetano Veloso

I'm back. & in bed - astral doctors orders!
Intense and absolutely beautiful weekend. There was a sweatlodge waiting for us when we arrived in the Laurentians Saturday night.. and Sunday, well, Sunday is another story. - Incredible and awesome. (if it could posibly be described that way - sorry to be a mystery, but thats the way it is.

but for now.. while I sleep & for your listening pleasure:

Gilberto Gil - Esperando na Janela

Gilberto Gil left the Brazilian Ministry of Culture to return to his music. (more here) He was responsible for making the Daime part of the national cultural heritage of Brazil.

This is the song my daughter Kaiya was named after (Bob Marley's Kaya)..

Gilberto Gil - Kaya N' Gan Daya

Caetano Veloso - Jorge de Capadócia

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