Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy pics - Phillip, the Ex, Pineapples and Butterflies

I started to type about deprogramming ourselves, I want to talk about so many things, about courage and how it can be difficult at times to be against the mainstream, and feel like you are always swimming upstream. But not tonight. It is a rare thing for me to feel tired and down, but I do.. feeling a bit burnt out.. as I find myself here again late, this time formatting this recipe book. So.. to make myself feel better I am just going to post some fun pics which I just found on my computer and will get back into serious topics tomorrow.
k? K. as always, love, hugs and sweet dreams!

This one really cheers me up - Phillip, of Loving Raw, & I. Phillip is absolutely awesome, I felt a connection as soon as we met. Amazing loving energy!!!

Me at the Ex. & below the buildings in back are not really in focus but very cool sci-fi type buildings.. seen sometimes in movies. cool.

Flowers at the Ex? Amazing how much I missed coming to the Ex with the kids.. we just stayed on rides all day. This time I got to check out the International Pavillion, Home show, flowers.. lots.
View down from the swings..

Ohh.. pineapple slices, from the dehydrater. So easy, just peel the pineappple, slice 1/4-1/2 " thick and dehydrate overnight.

: )
& butterflies.
I am feeling better. 'Night


  1. Much love to you beautiful. Your presence is sweet and your energy is so inviting. Thank you for your friendship and love. : )

  2. Anonymous2:58 PM

    You realize this is the only place I get to see you anymore? All comfort and confidence to you, virtually and authentically.

  3. Philip! much love back.. thanks for checking in & for your friendship also, means a lot to me! Big Hugs!
    : )
    & Anonymous.. well, you could be anon but I think I'd recognize you anywhere. I know, I've been keeping busy.. but let's plan a time to get together.. call me!! Hugs! R
    ps thank you!!

    &psps I have been hoponoponoing through this little episode I am going through, (think emotional detox or deprogramming going on) and am really feeling better.. forgiveness is such a huge thing (to ourselves as well as others).
    Thanks for caring & being here for me also. xo
