Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Organic Herbs and Spices

It is always best to use organic Herbs and Spices whenever possible as the conventional crops are heavily sprayed while growing with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and insecticides.

"Mint is an herb with which everyone is familiar, and it’s used to flavor a wide variety of foods. In 2005, in California, over 35 different fungicides, herbicides, and insecticides were used on mint plants. These ranged from the monoethanolamine salt Clopyralid (an herbicide) to the insect growth regulator Hexythiazox to Dicofol, an insecticide. In fairness, a handful of the pesticides employed are microbial in origin, such as the HD-1 strain of dried Bacillus thuringiensis, subspecies Kurstaki, an insecticide. None of these microbial-origin fungicides/insecticides has been shown to be overtly harmful to people or the environment; there is no so-called “weight-of-the-evidence” summary that demonstrates toxicity or potential carcinogenicity. But of the three dozen pesticides used on mint, thirteen are of special interest, because they’re what PAN calls “Bad Actors.” ..more here.

Herbs, which may be dried or fresh, come from the leafy part of a plant. Spices, usually used in dried form, are from seeds, roots, fruit, or bark, and most originate in tropical or semi-tropical regions.
Herbs and spices are usually sterilized, irradiated with toxic gases, after they are harvested to prevent foodborne illnesses and reproduction of the microbes or bugs.

"Conventional herbs and spices are sometimes sterilized with the gas ethylene oxide (EtO). But EtO is problematic. It is highly combustible and has been identified as a carcinogen and reproductive toxin; some claim it can also damage the typical sensory characteristics of herbs or spices. EtO, incidentally, has been banned in many European countries, as well as in Japan." from here.

" Produce grown in some "third-world" countries averages a much higher level of pesticide residues. In addition, pesticides that are banned the U.S. are often sold by chemical companies in "third-world" countries and used on produce that may reach your dinner plate. Please take time to investigate the source of your produce." from here

Some spices are more heavily sprayed than others - Peppers are generally sprayed quite heavily. If you like spicy food (like me!) and are a cayenne user, try to at least buy organic cayenne and peppers.

Enjoy the wonders of nature - Naturally!


  1. This is really nice and informative blog.Author shared interesting information on Organic herbs and species and it is very protective for human beings.

  2. I've been using such herbs myself for a longer period of time, and I can say that they can actually treat and prevent many problems for which most people would use pharmaceutical products. Fortunately, there are healthier alternatives, and I feel that more people should know about them.
