Friday, August 22, 2008

I Love my Mom!!!

Just now - just when I am least expecting it - someone comes and knocks at my door. This doesn't happen very often - I live in a building & people need to be let in - except the postman & I somehow manage to be here whenever he comes to deliver packages - Yay!!!!

I wish I had my camera - I gave it to Kaiya for the weekend - & I have wanted it several times since -but hopefully she's enjoying it - I made these incredibly delicious Oatmeal Apple Cookies yesterday that just came out of the dehydrator this morning & would have made a beautiful pic - esp if it was scent enhanced - nothing like a warm cinnamony apple cookies straight from the dehydrator in the morning.. ok, way off track..

My Mom

is wonderful because:

she sends me incredible packages filled with incredible things that make me smile! : )

is happy and thinks she lives the best life ever!

is an incredible artist - She's an artist's artist - y'know, the type that stays up all night painting

she sees wonder in everything.

she can marvel over the flavour of a strawberry for long periods of time

she is independent and strong

she has lots of friends whom she loves & who also love her

she has a couple gold bars on her Tai Chi black belt and still going strong - always learning longer and more intricate forms - Mom with a fan - who would have thought? lol

she sends me quotes from the Tao Te Ching ..and loves to cross reference translations

she has a lot of the same interests as me: raw foods, art, adventure

she is cool

she cares about everyone - she is loyal, she takes care of members of the family who have been abandoned or have reclused themselves away, but mom is always & always has been there.

She is often going to the hospital, making food for people who can't get out or volunteering at the soup kitchen. ..things like that, helping the little old lady across the street get bottles open and taking holiday dinners out to people who can't go there.

She is my biggest inspiration and spiritual advisor.

She knows why things happen - the real deep down reasons; she knows that everything is just right.

She finds the coolest things often before me & is always surprising me - ie, she gave me Anastasia books for my birthday before I had ever heard of them.. things like that

She is always ready for an adventure and goes with the flow.

She is a beautiful flow-er and my biggest inspiration! When I grow up I would like to be me - I was going to say 'like her' but she taught me very well and I love being me!

k, nuff of the sappy stuff - the Box!!!
Mom sent me Bull Kelp flakes (which are incredible and just harvested days ago, we have been waiting months for these - chopsticks, crystals, a book - David Wolfe's and Nick Good's Amazing Grace and a bottle of Siberian Cedar Nut Oil - Yayyyy!!! Very special!!! I would love to wait to get into this so I could take a pic to show you how pretty my box is - but sorry, I can't wait!!!

I love you Mom !
oh ps - this was written at the bottom of the hand written letter in the box (re: some family issues) "If I could have given you (or Randy) millions or the belief to LIVE & TRUST, I believe the best inheritance is joy of life & the wonder, mystery and expectation of Divine Intention." Mom, you're so wonderful!

Who couldn't love a Mom like that?
pps - her website is here

ppps - xox, Hugs & Thank you for the parcel!!!


  1. Anonymous4:42 PM

    You, my dear Robin, are the very best daughter ever !.. a very BIG inspiration to me ... and I am so honoured to have been chosen to be your 'MOM' You are way prejudiced but ...
    I Love U immensely

  2. : ) Love you too!
    & enjoying the parcel immensely - Thank you sooo much

  3. Not to interfere in the mother/daughter bonding here but just wanted to add that your mom is indeed way cool!!!

    To Keiko's mom:
    You've got a great daughter! She always knows the right things to post here in her blog and i am always drawn to it!!!


  4. hehehe - yeah, we are being a bit much, lol - thanks for breaking it up a bit Michelle. & thank you!! 'big Hugs!!!
