Monday, July 28, 2008

Mystery Weekends and the Mystery of Time

Last weekend - I wasn't at liberty to talk much about the weekend but now that its over - it involved ayahuascan ceremonies.. & without getting into it too much - one of the really fascinating things that happened that just stays with me was on Sat afternoon - there was what some call a trance dance in the forest - and now looking back I realize that I must have been in some sort of time warp - maybe just a perception thing - most likely..

Angus was talking a few days ago about how he thought the really great sports players maybe can go into this - this place in time where I was - where you can slow down time - even just a bit, even a second or two can give you a huge advantage - if everyone else is going at regular speed and yours is slowed down..

So, last Sat - I realized at one point that here I was dancing following steps (although easy ones) fluently, reading and singing portuguese hymns that I have never heard before and in a language I don't know - I was reading and translating them , reading every word in English also - fully and so super aware but also in the forest there happened to be a lot of flies.. and I kept picking them off me and out of the air - and after I caught about 20 in a row - I realized that something unusual was happening.. time had slowed down - I had time to dance, translate, sing, and think several thoughts simultaneously and catch bugs that everyone else seemed to be just swatting away. I was thinking so many things.. like about the life of the fly and sometimes I squeezed a litle too hard I think I may have killed or seriously hurt one or two and was thinking.. uh-oh, oh, thats not really good - that here I was in the forest -seeking purity - enlightenment - deprogramming - inward searching - love and peace and all that and now I am killing flies... but at the same time I am not missing a beat in the trance dance and feeling like portuguese is my mother tongue - or at least fully understanding the words and what the words are actually meaning .. intense consciousness...

ok, so 10 mins to work I am just informed...
Mystery weekend #2 - I was told that I was being taken away for the weekend.. how great is that!!!? After a long week working and feeling a bit burnt out to be whisked away - I didn't have a clue - I was told to pack my fishing rod. LOL (I am not into fishing - I have a hard time when I hurt a fly!! ) So this is where we ended up - at Niagara falls - 22nd story, incredible view.. and we went to see a George Bernard Shaw play - Mrs Warrens Profession.. It was such a beautiful weekend. Yay!!! (that was so great - awesome, thank you thank you!!!))

This is what I packed, food supplies to keep me going just in case - for my mystery weekend & they worked perfectly - we made hot choc at the Hilton - it was great!! ..also brought hummus and crackers, Rawkalicious cookies - who said raw was hard? - you just have to be a little prepared. : ) (oh, & of course, mangoes!!)


  1. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Two wild weekends in a row! How do you do it? Must be rawpower! :) T.
