Friday, July 11, 2008

A Garden on my Balcony & Master Cleanse Day 7

I have strawberries!! Mom bought me a strawberry plant for my balcony and best of all, planted all of the other plants that we bought together in containers when she was here last week.

I have a big pot of basil and 3 boxes now hanging on my balcony filled with all edible flowers, herbs and greens. I am really excited by this - It makes me so happy to come home and see them all growing out there!! I used to be very into gardening - esp. perennial flower gardening.. and this is my first time not living in a house with land to dig up and play in in a long long time!

So, this is really wonderful. Thanks Mom!! : )

There's a lot going on in each one.. this one has all herbs. Rosemary, thyme, oregano, chives, garlic chives, peppermint, chocolate mint.. mmm.. chocolate..
sorry, lost track, and even some catnip for Zoey!! ; )

views off my balcony.. hey, guess what? my meditation teacher from the Beaches I just found out actually lives in this building next to me - how cool is that!?!? very!! (Hi :)

ok, I've used a lot of smiley faces this blog, which is kind of amazing cause its...
1. Day 7 of the Master Cleanse & 2. late.. I am just getting in from working late ..and heading back early tomorrow for another full day. (But then I am off for the final 2 days)
I should post some more pics from Rawlicious tomorrow - it was a fun night working there tonight.
Anyway, about the cleanse, yes, so far so good - except that I broke out in these weird red bumps on my body.. 4 or 5 on my arms, a couple on my neck and 2 or 3 just below my neck, a few on my back, couple on my hand - weird.. they almost look like bites & itchy, but the consensus seems to be a detox thing, that my body is getting rid of something..

Oh, & I started late today so I did that salt water flush again - it didn't seem as bad drinking the salt water today - it is a bit hard to take, but well, I did it.

The hardest thing is probably the food - it's not that I am hungry, not at all.. it's being in an incredible raw restaurant all day and around such amazingly tantalizing food ..and making it for people.. I made a special Pad Thai to serve tonight & it was such a hit. That was really great, but I really would have liked to at least taste it!
& I have to admit that everyone is being really good about tasting food for me until I'm back to eating again.. k, sleep and then 3 more days!


  1. Hey, I'd like to be food taste tester! :) That would be hard for me to be making something and not taste it along the way. You are doing great!

    And the flowers, plants, STRAWBERRIES are all looking great!

  2. Just blog fishing and came upon yours. I clicked around, enjoyed a number of your posts. The great trees!!. Ah! Trees are a big part of my life. Gardening, too. I grow a lot of food, did the back to the land thing for 25 years before writing took over my life. I still do what I can. Thanks for a great break in my day.


  3. Anonymous6:28 PM

    GREAT GARDEN!! Your herb pot looks heavenly!
    ps. I'm making kale chips tonight thanks to your great blog:) I will let you know how it goes but they look like the bomb!

  4. Oh my Pad Thai!! It's my absolute favorite dish!!!

    Great going on the master cleanse Keiko!!

    I'm leaving in 10 days!!! WOOHOO!!!

  5. Anonymous8:59 PM

    love that you work with your mom in your new garden .. spent the weekend with my mom making her garden beds smaller .. talk to you soon *HUgs*

  6. Thanks Rosie!!

    Kathleen, thanks for commenting, checked out your website - your books look beautiful and interesting.. maybe my daughter would like them! great to hear from you!!

    Lesley anne - Thanks - Hope the kale chips go well..I am sure they will. They are soo delicious - Enjoy!!

    Hi Michelle - wish you were here to taste test the Pad Thai for me - it has a delicious tamarind sauce, I think you would have loved it!
    so excited for you going on that hike soon - looking forward to hearing all about it!

    Hugs back Dawn!!! : )
