Monday, June 09, 2008

5 days to Panama! ..aprendiendo Español

Ok, wow - 5 days to Panama and I have barely even taken time to think about it. But I am on it now. I have just gotten out my Spanish cd's - I forgot how much I enjoyed listening to these. They have been shelved for the past few years.. and now also I have an Ipod and have downloaded a series from Notes in Spanish including cool video podcasts from Marina and Ben traveling to fascinating places around the world: Thailand, Singapore, Bankok etc...

I have a friend who has offered to help me learn how to videoblog - that would be fun!

But for now I will bring my camera & post as usual - but you never know - there will be video cameras there, the friend I am meeting is filming Dr Douglas (author of The Raw Truth about Milk) this week. so, we may get some filming in.

Alexandra, co-worker at Rawlicious, introduced me to a cool website this morning: Seeqpod - where you search your fav music and create playlists. I typed in Spanish (of course) and found a few interesting sources.. I am listening to Pimsleur lessons right now: "Hable mas despacio, por favor"

It will be interesting to see how it is eating raw there. I will have to get a plan, think about what to buy to take with me and shop on Wed., my only day to do so. I am working Friday and leaving very, very early Sat morning.
I'm getting excited!!
break here to go start getting packed!.....
wow, thats a first, I'm usually a last minute packer.
The flight is almost 9 hours - not counting the few hours I will be stopping over in Mexico City.

Ah, ok, getting excited.. and I have a new friend coming from Brazil and staying at my place while I am gone .. and I am still unpacking and getting settled - I have shelves to go paint now that I want to put up before I leave.

No, no los conosco. (s/p?)
Ah entiendo!
Pics from Lonely Planet


  1. Hola! No hablo espanol muy bien!!! ha ha! I know very little Spanish these days. Took it in high school but have forgotten so much of it.

    I'm so excited for your vacation! I've never been to Panama but the pics you posted look AMAZING. I can only imagine the many experiences you'll have. Enjoy! Don't forget your passport! :D

  2. Thanks Rosie - Yes, from the stories I hear it sounds like an amazing city!! I am getting very excited.
    y me gusta mucho espanole pero hablo solo un poca - todavia! (verdad? si?) muy bueno divertido!!!
