Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Glasswing Butterflies - Hooked up and Getting in the Groove

Glasswing Butterflies - aren't they beautiful!?!
I am feeling like I am almost in a groove again. ..ready to start posting regularly and soon I will be getting the book stuff out to begin working on again. I had lost my harddrive a week or two before I moved and with it about a week of work & then just left it until after I got set up here.. & I'm almost there. Not quite, but almost. I have a dining table disassembled and lying on my floor, it came earlier tonight and was missing the hardware to put it together. One interesting thing is that lately there seem to be delays and little things go wrong with my furniture and deliveries. I kind of feel each time like its the universe saying to slow down, be patient, flow - it'll all get done. But I feel a need to have this place completed - livable and comfortable. ..and I kind of want it all done Now! I'm sure thats from all the transition and being so transient for the few months before I moved, I felt like I was living out of bags. It's really nice to get settled now. I'll post some pics of my new place soon.
I just got a gym membership earlier this evening also. Thats exciting!! ..and even had time before they closed for a quick workout and sauna.. Nice!!
It was a great day off, lots got done - shopping downtown, a beautiful new duvet that I get to go crawl into very soon. Yes! It's go great being right on the subway line - just across the street. I was downtown in about 15 minutes. cool. Rogers came and hooked me up again - had a few internet/cable problems that got all fixed up. (Thanks Maurice!) Nice to be back online and with you again. Then had a beautiful walk in my new neighbourhood, Bloor West Villiage. Bought a big bunch of red tulips to put in my new red vase. So pretty.. and now I must go join them and my new big fluffy white duvet ..Sweet Dreams.
: ) 'Night bbs, promise

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