Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rawlicious Opening Today!

I am turning on my computer for the 1st time in 3 days - a very unusual occurance - But, it has been crazy getting ready to open Rawlicious, working morning till night for the past 3 days.
So, today we opened and it was an overwhelming success - full house almost continuously all day, we ran out of some foods!! .. and I am in again tomorrow morning early to prepare for another day. We are going to be open 7 days a week, and hopefully we settle into some kind of routine soon. We still have lots to organize and get set up properly.. it was wild today!!
& I got to work with the most amazing people - I love Maria!! She was my most incredible partner in the kitchen today - we were so in sync it was crazy - everyone was amazed at the flowing unstressed high vibes in such a busy active place - wow!
I will post pics asap.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you wonderful people in the raw community and friends who came to support us and be with us on our 1st day - all the flowers and hugs & love!!!
Be back soon, Oh made it right after work just in time for the monthly raw pot luck which was great also - packed again - Love, peace out! & HUgs!


  1. Congratulations to all of you! What an excitig adventure!

  2. Hope things continue to go fantastic, and every day is just as wonderful for your new venture!

  3. Congrats my friend!! This is such exciting news for the raw food community in Toronto and all over the world!! Just simply amazing!!

  4. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Congratulations ! It sounds so fantastic ... I'm calling it Delicious Rawlicious ... can't wait to experience it !

    Love to you all from Mum in New Brunswick

  5. Congratulations on your first Rawlicious day!
    I'm sure the people loved it & will come back soon!!
    So exciting!
    I wish I were there & could help you...
    Well, another time.....
    When you need my help, please let me know!
    I'm coming for you!!!!(at least I'll try it very hard;-))

  6. Anonymous8:03 AM

    way to go ... love you *HUgs*

  7. Congrats on the opening of Rawlicious!

    We look forward to stopping by
    when we're in town.



  8. Thank you , thank you, thank you!!
    & yes Sawako, we need your help. You better book a flight from Japan quickly! )

    Great seeing you today Dawn, thanks for dropping by.

    Natasha. Look forward to seeing you & Mark! Hope your festival plans are progressing smoothly, we'll talk when you're in!

    xox Mom! ; )

    Thank you Michelle, you are wonderful!

    Thanks so much Bob for the wishes and support.

    & Thank you 'Rediscover'
    Much love!!!
