Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Moving plans, boiled fish, Sushi and Nori and the day before opening

This is a pic of a part of my kitchen that I love .. and I am dismantling it.. and off to make a new home to love. The countdown is on. I have 1 week to move.. game plan is pack up the house fri, a bin to dump furniture in on the weekend, ..move on monday, new furniture to be delivered on tues . ..I'm a little nervous about it because I'm working more than full time these days, and so many other things to do.. but I know it will all get done ..lists are great.

My brother just flew in today and came to Rawlicious to see me.. that was awesome!!

I think I may need to get antibiotics for my finger.. I have the bandage staying off tonight for the first time since I hurt it.. it looks pretty yucky!! But I have been MRSing it like crazy at work and soaking it in 12 ph Kangen water and tonight I had drops of something called Dynamite put on it..will look more into this product when I have more comp time - I am getting up in a few hours so I should go to bed soon.

Oh, Maria and I stopped and bought fish for Angus on the way into work this morning. Inside joke about "boiled fish" Boiled fish I just discovered is a term used to describe something bland, tasteless, boring. Great term!!! So we bought 2 goldfish, who are living in the Zen den right now. I think these fish are actually for us, lol - Maria's fish is orange and called Nori, mine is orange and white and called Sushi.

Tracy and Angus have 2 black cats who live upstairs and don't come into Rawlicous anymore, they used to before we opened.. still, I am a little concerned for the fish. They are in a wide mouthed round bowl. (Maria & I are bringing crystals in for them tomorrow: )

Following pics are from the day before Rawlicious opened. I just want to save them here - great memories!! (Good Night!)

Hard to believe this was only just over a week ago!! Things are moving fast around here!!


  1. Anonymous2:15 AM

    Your finger, to speed its healing , before bed eat a couple garlic cloves...

    yes spicy but trust me,

    then with rubbing alcohol, scrub the hell out of it onece a hour for 2 or 3 hours, drink a few shots vodka or whisky..

    Sleep, apon wakeing more alcohol scrub and bandage.

    Variations of this remedy work for most wounds/illnesses


  2. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Hey Robin!

    when you say "a bin to dump furniture in on the weekend", does that mean your getting rid of some furniture?
    what sort of furniture?


  3. Anon #1 - I took your advice and soaked my finger in alcohol, not sure about the scrubbing, not ready for that one.. and didn't drink the vodka or whiskey, although if I had some around I may have and scrubbed a little harder - garlic is more available around here - Thanks for th advice, appreciate it!!

    Anon #2, Greg - will try to get time to call, or try me at Rawlicious tomorrow - 416-551-3161
