Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Life Coaching and 50 Power Questions

I am very interested in the idea of having a Life Coach and believe it is very beneficial to have one. One thing they do is ask questions which we tend not to ask ourselves. They get us to really think about what we want in life and to figure out our own definition of success. They encourage us to do some real soul searching. They ask the tough questions which we often avoid asking ourselves and based on these questions get us to set goals for ourselves. A Life coach is beneficial in that they are someone who you often check in with regularly, to go over how you are progressing towards these goals and continue setting new ones. They often offer or direct you in the path of some great motivational and empowering material to motivate and encourage you and help direct your actions forward. But it all starts with the questions and with us thinking things out.

I came across this list of questions from Thea Westra, a life coach from Australia, and liking this sort of thing thoughtIwould pass it on, its worth reading and giving some thought to your personal answers.

50 Power Questions to Take Control of Your Life

An Online Version can be found here

1. What would you love to do or accomplish, before you die?
2. If you were to begin to achieve that/these, what is the first change you would start to make?

3. What would you need to include MORE of in your life?

4. What would you need to have LESS of in your life?

5. Rewrite your goal(s) so it is ‘moving towards’ something, rather than ‘moving away’ from something?
6. What is YOUR personal definition of success?

7. If you had to guess your life purpose, what would it be?

8. What daily habits could you replace with a better daily habit? List these.

9. What would a massive action ‘look like’ for you?

10. What action would you take, if you knew you could not possibly fail?

11. What has worked for you when accomplishing past personal goals?

12. What can you see about any past setbacks, which may actually benefit you?

13. What are you tolerating/putting up with?

14. What will you do, to completely erase petty things that are bothering you?

15. For what will you take 100% responsibility, from now?

16. If you were your own coach, what coaching would you give yourself right now?
17. Who and what are you listening to, most of the time? How will you change that, if it needs
18. What do you keep saying to yourself that usually thwarts your progress?

19. What could you now keep saying to yourself, to empower you?

20. What could you get done this week that you know needs doing?

21. For that task, what is the first step and the next step?

22. What could you put in your environment to remind you of your promises to yourself?

23. What could you include in each day to create and hold your vision for your future?

24. What have you 100%, decided to achieve?

25. What ways do you benefit by NOT deliberately moving toward what you want?
26. What activities and new habits will you deposit into your future, this month?

27. On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited to you feel about taking these actions?
28. What could increase that score?

29. What are your highest aspirations for this year?

30. What are the greatest lessons you have learned in life?

31. What is life asking you to do differently?

32. What are you now willing to do that you’ve been unwilling to step into?

33. What non-negotiable decision are you willing to make for your life, and stick to?
34. What in your life needs immediate attention?

35. What strategies could you use to better manage your daily priorities?

36. What is perfect about where you are in your life right now?

37. Describe in detail, your feelings once all your goals are achieved?

38. Which books could you read, people could you call and websites could you visit, to support
your goals?
39. In what way are you a better person this year than last year? What will be your answer, next year?

40. Where will you fine-tune your use of time in the next 24-hours?
41. Is there anything you are ignoring, to which you should be paying attention? Be honest!

42. What are you most excited about now? What are you looking forward to?

43. What ways will you will get more energy into your life?
44. What newly created, personal standard(s) will you abide by; hail, rain or shine?
45. What are your greatest strengths and how will you leverage those?
46. What would you most like to be acknowledged for, so far in your life?

47. What do you need to give to yourself so that you can give more to others?

48. What new belief could you take on to speed up your personal decision-making processes?
49. What do you already know for certain? Is that the truth?

50. List all the benefits that you got from completing this exercise, and what are your next
Forward Steps?

pic from the Live Life Well homepage


  1. If you are thinking about having a coach, there seems to be a new one each five seconds. But check out Nice set of questions but what do you do with them? Jono39

  2. What a synchronicity. My blogpost of yesterday talks about the same subject. :)

    XO Fatma

  3. this is great, I'm happy I found your blog

  4. Jono, Good Question, because thats the hard part.. actually thinking them through, figuring out what you want, taking appropriate actions to get you where you want to go.

    Is this your website website? If so, congratulations, it must be very rewarding work. I would have loved to read the blog, do you plan on starting one?
    & a pleasure to meet you (at least online), thanks for commenting.

    Fatma, that is awesome & great to hear from you again, hope you are well!! Much love, call anytime. & maybe I will see you one day at Rawlicious when you are in town?? Hugs!

    Heather - Thanks! I am so glad you found my blog also, Nice to meet you!

  5. This was all new to me until yesterday when I spoke to someone working in your restaurant. The raw food concept he explained, along with checking out your blog, and some searching for raw food restaurants globally, makes me want to jump in my car, pick up my sister and take her to "Rawlicious" for lunch!
    I absolutely can't wait. Thanks for the 411 Mr. A M !
    Sounds like exactly what my palette would love to experience not to mention how my body will be moved. That's a given. I can't wait for spring cleanup to be over so I can tear out of Oakville and point the car in the direction of your restaurant.
    L@@king forward to the experience! Thanks AM and wishing Robin 'Keiko' Gregory all the success this restaurant deserves.
    OMG, I can't wait for the experience!

  6. Thanks J!! see you again soon! : ) R
