Thursday, March 27, 2008


Hello. It was another Rawlicious day. Today was clean up day.. we got new windows installed exciting, the brown paper came off for awhile. It'll go back up, but not for long.. tentative date is now Sat, April 5 (good numerology date) but I will keep you posted, it's not definite yet. Oh & at home we accepted an offer on our house, so it looks like closing for that will be the end of April.. it's going to be a busy month. I am not sure where I am moving to yet.

ok, so I kind of missed the pic, but check this out.. cute kids - 2 daycare groups holding ropes and crossing each other and I didn't get my camera out until they passed.. its probably a common occurance, but I just got to see whats going on out the windows.. sorry Trac for the candid shot, we were cleaning around the windows..

Tea and pumpkin pie.. last time I had the flavour perfect, this time I had the texture, next time I'm going to put it all together (change it all around) and get it perfect. I am determined to make a pumpkin pie that will rival (& beat) any cooked one. I still don't have that one down (close, but...) .. it's my big challenge.

Mathieu (ChocoSol) at the Market. Have I mentioned that this is the best chocolate in the world?

They sell Scott's products also - his Buckwheat sprouts, Granola and his most delectable raw Coconut cakes!! We Love these!

Sweet Dreams.. I am deleriously tired, been up late working - oh my hard drive crashed last night - I recovered a lot of it but have some catching up to do. Thats whats on my agenda. ..but maybe tomorrow morning, I need sleep.. beautiful, beautiful sleep 'night. sweet dreams...


  1. Anonymous10:59 PM

    oh man... pumpkin pie is my big weakness... I cant wait to try your awesome version!!!!

  2. Anonymous11:00 PM

    oops didnt let me leave my name!

  3. Wow! Rawlicious is looking so delicious! What a beautiful place you are creating together! Can't wait to taste your lovely raw creations when I come to visit my daughta in Toronto this summer. Wishing you blessings and continued joy in your gorgeous new place!

  4. Hey Greg.. will let you know when I get that perfected, shouldn't take long except for those other 100 projects on the go.. no, serious;ly, coming right up - Big Hugs!!

    Queen B, That is so exciting that you are coming.. will be so wonderful to meet you, can't wait.. e-mail me at if you like to touch base before you come- are you familiar with the city? Love!

  5. Anonymous6:56 PM

    where is the market where those photos were taken?
    those look like the dreamcakes they used to (still do?) sell at Live.

  6. Hi Margi, The pics are from Dufferin Grove Market.. and they could be the same cakes, although I have never heard them called dreamcakes. But Scott makes and sells them at different areas around town. We used to sell them at Toronto Sprouts, and I would eat them regularly, well, at least a couple a week.. they are amazing!! He also sells them at the Big Carrot & lots of other places.. He now works out of the kitchen space at the Cacao Loft with the Chocosol guys, & incidentally Maria who helps Scott make them is coming & helping us at Rawlicious.. Yay!!! She's awesome, and I am off track.. but if you want more info on the cakes, locations how to reach Scott etc etc.. let me know, happy to hook you up!
