Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Almond Squares

The almond squares did smell amazing when I woke up and are a success!

So, I will happily share the recipe with you.. it's so easy!!

Almond Squares

2 c almonds - I tried using them unsoaked and ground them first in my BlendTec blender. I would not advise doing this with a regular blender, hard on the motor. Next time i make them I will try soaking them and just grinding first in the food processor. I am sure they will be great this way also. I was just experimenting and going for a smoother texture.
1/4 c almond butter (I used maranatha brand -raw, of course)
1/4 c honey (or agave)
1 t vanilla
1/2 t cinnamon
dash salt

Line an 8"x8" pan with parchment paper or lightly oil with coconut oil. Mix all ingredients together in a bowl and press into the pan. Then invert and bang down to release squares and then cut into smaller squares. I made 16 - 4x4. Dehydrate these squares overnight -they can go straight on the mesh sheets (if you don't mind the imprint they make :)

Wake up to the wonderful smell of them in the morning and Enjoy!
They're great with a big Chai Latte - raw version, with almond milk, the best!


  1. Anonymous9:33 AM

    I was getting ready to make oatmeal cookies for Christopher this morning. He saw your blog picture and said, "I want some of those pretty crackers, Oma," so I will whip up a batch of those as well. I like the little squares on the crackers. It makes them look "fancy." lol! He was disappointed to learn they had to go in the dehydrator. I already have some almonds soaked, so I will let you know how that works.

    Much Love!

  2. thanks Connie.. looking forward to hearing how they turn out. And I'm curious how you make your oatmeal cookies. I heard they make great ones at Pure food & wine in NY but there isn't a recipe for them in their/Sarmas book - RawFood-RealWorld

    I've ground oat graots and tried using them that way but I heard they soak the groats first.. maybe I need to experiment on that one.
    But I would love to find a great oatmeal cookie recipe. !!!
    : ) Much Love back!! Keiko

  3. ps & xox, Love to Christopher! : )

  4. Yum!! I wiill make these tomorrow and let you know how my family likes them!

  5. Hi Keiko,
    I soaked 2 cups of almonds and made your recipe...I must admit I dipped an apple slice in the mix before I added the almonds and wow, was that tasty!
    I think they are very good but next time I am going to reduce the amount of soaked almonds..mine seemed too...almondy?
    See my blog for my post about you and your wonderful bars:

  6. Hi Debbie,
    They are a very almondy bar, for sure.. but thats the intention. I quite liked them..and yes, I can see apple going really well in them.. and lots of cinnamon. But love cinnamon.. I am actually eating one now with a Hot Tejate Chocolate made with almond milk, extra creamy.. perfect for today.. it's freezing outside!
    Checked out your beautiful blog..it's wonderful!
    Keep up the great work.
    Best Wishes & Love, Keiko

  7. Hi, i just found your blog and love this recipe!!! I was wondering...can this be made without a deyhdrator? I love almonds so much but i do not have a dehydrator yet! :O( Maybe, there is something i can do to tweak the recipe or add something to make it bind together?

  8. Michelle - Love your blog!! & your music.. am going to post a video I just watched on your site. It's great!! Thanks for that..and I love black! : )
    But, about the almond squares..I think they will stay together just like that..maybe a little less almond butter. I think without the dehydrator they will just be softer - like you can't holdthe corner of one & have it stay straight, it'll sag down..but thats ok too. They will still taste great. Another idea, is putting the oven on warm and having the door open and putting them in there for an hour.I haven't tried it & don';t think they would get too hot.. Shazzie recommended that method in her book. Just a thought..but I think they will be just fine even without the dehydrating.
    Great to hear from you!! Awesome blog!! Cheers! : ) Keiko

  9. Hi Keiko, thanks so much for your suggestions..i am thinking going with the open oven for an hour...these almond bars look so good to me!! I will let you know how they turn out! Also, i hope you don't mind, i added your blog to my sidebar! Thanks again!
