Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas - Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to everyone!

I am celebrating a wonderful Christmas day with lots of love ~ it is very special. I am very blessed to have such wonderful people around me!

I woke up to a Chai tea with Brazil nut (& date) milk. Oh actually started off with a couple ounces of E3Live. ..but then had tea & raw brownies that my Mom made and sent to me. They're great!
Recipe & a new solstice article on her website here.
This year the presents are really much less important than everything else. I am just enjoying being and feeling the Christmas energy and peace.
But, that being said, my favorite presents are the books I received. esp the ones my Mom sent - Notes from the Universe by Mike Dooley, The Art of Worldly Wisdom by Baltasar Gracian, and also The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent by Esther and Jerry Hicks, Power vs Force by David R.Hawkins (replacement - think I lent out my other one) and Beyond the Bleep by Alexandra Bruce.

Lots of reading.. but now, back to the kitchen. I am off to make one of my favorite Christmas things - Raw Cranberry Sauce, I didn't even like cranberry sauce when I was a cooked foodist & it was cooked sauce. Now I love it! and making a big salad, of course to take with me & lightly steamed green veg to take: baby bok choy, broccoli, snow peas etc. Its a big dinner, 24+ people and everyone else except me eats cooked food. Maybe I should bring a bowl of digestive enzymes. Thats a good idea! lol so back to the kitchen.! & I need a big green smoothie with lots of sunflower sprouts and blueberries..Mmmm..

Wishing everyone a most Wonderful, Peaceful and Beautiful day!!! xo

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Solstice, Celebrate the day no matter what you celebrate!


  1. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Keiko Cacao Ti, I feel blessed to have met you this year and look forward to more sharing and learning together in 2008. I am glad you had such a lovely holiday.

    Much Love!

  2. Connie, I feel the same about you!
    Happy New Year! and Much Love!! xo
